The Limited Times

US presidential election: the French would vote largely Joe Biden

11/2/2020, 4:23:45 PM

POLL - Their hostility towards incumbent President Donald Trump is shared by four other major European countries and China.

If they had to vote for American voters, the French would certainly not re-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday.

On the eve of the presidential election of November 3, a very large majority of them (85%) say they have a bad opinion of the Republican billionaire, as revealed by an Odoxa Dentsu Consulting poll for

Le Figaro

and Franceinfo.

France displays a

"world record of hostility"

towards him, notes the pollster, and this opinion has deteriorated over the past two years: by way of comparison, 65% of those questioned declared having a negative image of the president. American in 2018, the day after the midterm elections.

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More specifically, 8 out of 10 French people consider Donald Trump "aggressive" (84%), "dangerous" (80%), "racist" (78%).

Only 15% see him as "honest" and 18% as "competent".

But the French are far from being the only ones not to appreciate it.

It registers an average of 78% of bad opinions in five large European countries (Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy and France) and, to a lesser extent, among our Italian neighbors (68%).

This hostility nevertheless rises to 80% in China, where the investigation was also carried out.

The only exception is India, where the American leader seems to find favor in the eyes of 74% of those questioned.

A very strong interest

In France, this strong aversion for Donald Trump explains why a clear majority of respondents (54%) say they are interested in Tuesday's poll across the Atlantic.

This attraction is much stronger among politicized citizens: while people without partisan proximity (40%) and supporters of the National Rally (46%) are not very enthusiastic about this election, supporters of the rebellious (60%) as well as those of the PS (76%) and LREM (76%) show more attention.

Although less well known, Biden is judged to be significantly more "likable" (68% vs. 13% for Trump), "honest" (65%), "competent" (69%) and even "charismatic" (49% vs. 39%) that the republican leader

Unlike the outgoing president, his Democratic rival therefore enjoys a much better image with the French.

Although less well known, Joe Biden is judged to be much more “likeable” (68% against 13% for Trump), “honest” (65%), “competent” (69%) and even “charismatic” (49% against 39% ) than the Republican leader.

The picture is not all rosy for the former vice-president, however, whom the French also see as a "technocrat" (69%) "too old" (64%).

The verdict remains final: 82% of people polled overwhelmingly vote Joe Biden (against 15% for Trump), but to a lesser extent than for Hillary Clinton in 2016 (86% against 11% for Trump).

Here again, political preferences qualify this unanimity, since the RN sympathizers are still 34% to declare that they want the conservative candidate to win.

"In short, our investigation shows it clearly, if the victory promised for the moment to Biden does not materialize, and if Trump achieves an even more incredible feat than in 2016, our fellow citizens like billions of human beings will be very disappointed"

, concludes Gaël Sliman, president of Odoxa.

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