The Limited Times

The coupe, an endangered species

11/3/2020, 6:14:51 AM

Symbol of the car of pleasure, the two-door model has come into resistance. Explanations.

Like flies.

The coupes "fall" one after the other.

Small or large, these two-door, two or four-seater vehicles are out of fashion.

Generalist manufacturers have thrown in the towel.

For lack of sufficient outlets.

And within luxury and prestige brands, where it is part of their business, this silhouette is not immune to the rigors of the times.

Mercedes has already given up on renewing its S-Class coupe. As for Audi, after having sacrificed the R8, the future of the TT is in suspense.

So go the years 2010-2020, which burn what our fathers adored, for the benefit of the SUV king.

Proof that emotional buying has changed sides.

Read also:

Renault Arkana, a coupe SUV

In the days of dad and grandpa, the coupé was nevertheless the silhouette behind the wheel of which it was necessary to appear.

It had a mouthful: Georges Pompidou entered Matignon in a Porsche;

the gendarmes of the motorway platoons drive in Alpine berlinettes before converting to the Citroën SM.

Embodying the ultimate in elegance

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