The Limited Times

Sabah El Nur - Druze Food and Confectionery - Walla! The elected

11/4/2020, 2:23:52 PM

Who among you who travels to the north does not stop for a moment and say - how do I feel like stopping at a good Druze restaurant? One of the first places to think of such a restaurant is in the village of Julis in the north - "Nur Druze Food and Confectionery"

  • The elected

  • Culture and food

Sabah al-Nur - Druze food and confectionery

Who among you who goes on a trip to the north does not stop for a moment and say - how do I want to stop at a good Druze restaurant? One of the first places that think of such a restaurant is in the village of Julis in the north -


  • Druze

  • Food

In collaboration with Nur Druze Food and Confectionery

Wednesday, 04 November 2020, 16:14

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Basma Hir, Nur Druze Food and Confectionery (Elected Studio)

The story of Basma Hir, the landlady of

"Nur Druze Food and Confectionery"

can be used as an example for all Israeli women, about five years ago with ten fingers she set up a business against all conventions.

When did the dream of opening a restaurant begin?

"I dreamed about it when I helped in my mother's kitchen. After 12 years I took a confectionery course, I started making my cakes for family and friends and then I decided I needed to start my own business. About six years ago my late husband Marcel passed away and then I decided to open a cafe I decided to call it Nur is named after my little son. "

What dishes can be found on the menu?

" It is important to know that Druze cuisine includes varied food.

Stuffed vine leaves, mansaf, kuba and other delicious foods, we also have vegetarian and vegan foods. "

The one who serves as Basma's right hand man is Ben Nur, especially in these days of the Corona crisis when he navigates as large as the dozens of orders that arrive every day and is responsible for the deliveries in the Galilee region to the Krayot.

Basma shared with us about her worldview: "In retrospect I'm glad I came to start the business with the insights of a mature woman, with life experience and a crazy drive to succeed."

So if you are heading north and your stomach is churning do not miss a visit to

"Druze Food and Confectionery



, a place that pays homage to Druze cuisine and sweets of all kinds.



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