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US election 2020: Joe Biden brings states and still has to worry - turnaround is still possible

11/4/2020, 3:38:46 AM

Joe Biden, a man of the people? On November 3rd, the 2020 US election will decide on the next president: emotions and reactions live from election night.

Joe Biden, a man of the people?

On November 3rd, the 2020 US election will decide on the next president: emotions and reactions live from election night.

  • Senator, Former Vice President, and Trump Challenger:

    Joe Biden

    * is a

    presidential candidate


  • In the

    2020 US election

    * he will either declare himself the winner or admit defeat.

  • We follow his movements on election night here in the

    news ticker


Update from November 4, 4 a.m.:

There is still uncertainty about the outcome of the

2020 US election


In Ohio it initially looked as if the Democrat

Joe Biden

would do

better than expected, in Florida the signs were more towards a victory for

Donald Trump


In polls, the candidates in both states were close together.

While Donald Trump followed the events on

election night

with his family and his team in the White House,

Joe Biden

had retired

with his family to his home.

From there, the challenger to the incumbent

US president



his followers to





Due to the time

difference, voting is still available

in some



“Stay in line!” The



his followers via Twitter.

Because of the

corona pandemic

, it is difficult this year to assess the counting status during election night.

Many Biden supporters had declared that they wanted to vote by postal vote.

President Trump's voters were more likely to vote on election day.

The states have different methods of counting which votes and when, so that large swings are possible during election night.

2020 US election: who will be the new US President?

Joe Biden spends evenings with the family

Update from November 3, 11:05 p.m.:


Donald Trump is

mostly in the

White House

that day




in the contested

state of Pennsylvania


He also visited the house in his hometown of Scranton, where he spent the first years of his life.

In the afternoon (local time), Biden announced that he would spend the rest of the evening at home with his family.

It is still not clear whether the challenger to US President Donald Trump will give

a speech that night

in the event of a



Biden has already achieved a small success for himself, even if most of the

polling stations

only close in a few hours.

Because already at the beginning of the day the result of a place was available - and everyone voted unanimously for Joe Biden.

In Dixville Notch,

New Hampshire

, the five residents eligible to vote cast their votes shortly after midnight (local time).

Even if these votes will not ultimately determine the outcome of the US election,

Joe Biden

should definitely be happy.

2020 US election: Joe Biden speaks in the embattled state of Pennsylvania

Update from November 3rd, 9:32 pm:

The Democratic presidential candidate


Joe Biden



to supporters in


and once again encouraged them: “We choose hope instead of fear.

We choose the truth over lies.

We choose science over fiction, ”



through a megaphone to a

few dozen people in the metropolis in the embattled state of



"I promise you, I will never break my words to you."

Update from November 3, 4:22 p.m.: Joe Biden


election day

with a visit to the church and the grave of his late son




Associated Press




his wife


and granddaughters Finnegan and Natalie made an early morning stop at

St. Joseph's on the Brandywine


in Delaware.

Biden's son Beau died in 2015 of complications from a brain tumor.

Afterwards Biden is


in his hometown


and in



He wants to meet voters in both cities.


is an important

swing state

and plays a central role on the road to the

White House


Both cities have both strategic and symbolic importance: In


, Biden wants to mobilize black voters in particular; he had repeatedly mentioned his youth in the working-class town of Scranton in the course of the election campaign.

In Scranton, Biden also visited the house where he grew up.

Here he wrote on the wall: "From this house to the White House, with God's favor".

NEW: A picture from Scranton.

Joe Biden just signed this on the living room wall in his childhood home here.

For context, he did this in the bedroom during the 2008 race.


- Alexi McCammond (@alexi) November 3, 2020

US election 2020: Joe Biden with first mini success

Update from November 3, 2020, 12:20 p.m.:


Democrat Joe Biden

wants to become the next

US President


Donald Trump's


can already record his first success in the 2020 US election.

He won the vote in the village of 

Dixville Notch,

 which traditionally is the first to vote, with 5 to 0 votes.

2020 US election: Joe Biden in the highest office in the US?

Emotions and reactions of the presidential candidate

First report from October 21, 2020:

Munich / Washington, DC - The

election of the president

on November 03, 2020 will not only determine the

future of the USA


The date is also making waves internationally.

One of the candidates is

Joe Biden

, former vice president of the country and the beacon of hope for many Americans.

Here you can find out on election evening how the candidate reacts to the current status of the presidential election and who will be the next US president.

You will find the full range of news on the day of the US election 2020 in our live ticker, as well as the continuously updated results of the presidential and congressional elections.

You can also find projections, interim results and the current status of the candidates with us.

Joe Biden in the 2020 US election - that's what the former Vice President stands for

Joe Biden likes to pretend to be the

man of the people

in preparation for the 2020 US election

- he reacts to praise and criticism with emotional and understanding.

Nevertheless, unlike Donald Trump *, he is seen as balanced and pragmatic.

The topics of his

election campaign

concern, on the one hand, the fight against racism and discrimination.

On the other hand, the current approach to the

corona pandemic

in the USA * is repeatedly discussed and severely criticized by Biden.

“And what is he doing?

Nothing, ”said the Democratic Party * presidential candidate in a

TV duel

about the incumbent US president.

It's time we see each other as fellow Americans who live in - and love - the United States of America.

- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 21, 2020

  • The following topics were covered by Joe Biden during the election campaign:

  • Tax policy in favor of workers

  • Measures against racism and discrimination

  • Expansion of the US healthcare system

  • Expansion and strengthening of women's rights

  • Biden's way in and out of the corona pandemic

2020 US election: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris aim to lead America into a better future

From 2009 to 2017,

Joe Biden was


vice president

at Barack Obama's side.

Together they realized a heart project: the expansion of the health system in the USA.

In addition, the

2020 presidential


caused an uproar near the end of his first term as he advocated nationwide gay marriages.

He was also supported by Obama.


A picture of unity: In 2016, then US President Barack Obama (l) shook hands with Vice President Joe Biden.

The two represented many common interests.

© Michael Reynolds / EPA / dpa

In the course of his election campaign, Joe Biden announced that

Kamala Harris


would take over

the position of

vice president

if he won the election


In the

2020 US election, the



mainly face Donald Trump and Mike Pence - and had to take a lot during the campaign phase.

Joe Biden versus Donald Trump: impressions of the 2020 US election

"The Biden family is a criminal company," said Trump during a campaign appearance.

As was to be expected, the president is not giving his opponents good hair.

Several times he not only attacks the politicians themselves, but also

Biden's family

, among others


But Biden also pointed out Trump's mistakes from the start.

Speaking at Philadelphia City Hall in mid-2020,

Presidential candidate Joe Biden

said, "His narcissism has become more important than the nation he leads." He continued, "This President today is part of the problem and he's accelerating it."

We also track the steps taken by US President Trump on the day of the US election in a separate ticker.

(jey) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © Michael Reynolds / EPA / dpa

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