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The states that Biden and Trump must win to win the election | CNN

11/5/2020, 11:53:35 PM

Biden currently has 253 electoral votes, while Trump has 213, according to CNN projections. Biden has two direct scenarios and a numerical advantage. | CNN

Nevada would give Biden the electoral votes he needs 4:08

(CNN Spanish) -

The paths to the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the US presidency remain open for both Democratic candidate Joe Biden and Donald Trump, because there are still six states in which the difference is not meaningful for CNN to project a winner.

Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes at stake), Georgia (16 electoral votes at stake), North Carolina (15 electoral votes at stake), Arizona (11 electoral votes at stake), Nevada (6 electoral votes at stake) and Alaska (3 electoral votes at stake) are the states still in dispute in which the counts continue to define the winner.

  • Election screening in the USA: live results

Biden currently has 253 electoral votes, while Trump has 213, according to CNN projections.

Biden has two direct scenarios and a numerical advantage.

Trump needs to accumulate at least four more states (one of them must be Pennsylvania) to win.

If you win the other five pending states but not Pennsylvania, you would be left with 264 electoral votes and lose.

Here's how Biden can win:

  • If Pennsylvania wins

  • If you win two of these states: Arizona, North Carolina, Nevada, and Georgia


Here's how Trump can win:

  • If Pennsylvania wins plus three of these states: Arizona, North Carolina, Nevada, and Georgia.

Joe biden

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