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The story of Alexander Treisman, the Jewish boy accused of plotting to assassinate Joe Biden | Israel today

11/5/2020, 7:03:26 AM

| Around the Jewish worldThe son of a Jewish-American human rights activist planned to assassinate the presidential candidate during a meeting with the Dalai Lama • In addition, he planned mass shootings of civilians in Black Friday Joe Biden Photography:  Reuters The 19-year-old accused of conspiracy to murder Joe Biden is the son of a senior Jewish lawyer who was among the initiators of the first meeting between th

The son of a Jewish-American human rights activist planned to assassinate the presidential candidate during a meeting with the Dalai Lama • In addition, he planned mass shootings of civilians in Black Friday

  • Joe Biden



The 19-year-old accused of conspiracy to murder Joe Biden is the son of a senior Jewish lawyer who was among the initiators of the first meeting between the US president and the Tibetan Dalai Lama.

On Friday, the publication of Alexander Hillel Treisman's imprisonment for the first time was published in May, who according to court records purchased an automatic rifle and traveled to several countries with a note in his car with a list of tasks whose last section was "execute".

Traisman was also charged with three counts of child pornography, according to court documents released last week by the North Carolina WBTV station and the Washington Post.

Treisman is the son of a Jewish human rights activist who was previously a Senate candidate in the state of New Mexico.

Eric Treisman was known for his activities with Tibetan immigrants and was nicknamed "Oscar Schindler of the Tibetans".

Eric Treisman died in 2009, a few days after completing his divorce from Alexander Treisman's mother.

A close acquaintance of the family during Alexander Treisman's childhood confirmed to JTA that the person arrested is the son of Eric Treisman.

A jury last month filed an indictment against Alexander Treisman for child pornography and detailed a long list of online actions that also include praise for mass shootings and abuse.

According to the court document, Treisman posted a post about his desire to assassinate Biden on iFunny, a social network popular with extremists.

He searched for Biden Wager's private address and stored weapons and ammunition, which police found in an abandoned commercial vehicle.

The commercial vehicle contained more than $ 500,000 in cash, which according to the legal document apparently came from the inheritance he received.

Traisman was also accused of downloading more than 8,000 videos and pornographic images of children.

According to the suspects, the 19-year-old has been talking about committing acts of violence with firearms since last year.

According to the court document, he wrote a "note" on his phone in October 2019 in which he planned a mass shooting attack on Black Friday or Christmas.

He also downloaded video footage of the massacre at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand and spoke on Reddit about the execution of people he hates.

In April, according to suspicions, the plans became more concrete.

According to the document, he posted on social media on April 8 that he was "going to do Columbine for a while, [but] I think it should be done for something they will remember more."

Columbine is the name of a high school in Colorado that was the scene of a mass massacre committed by two students in 1999.

Later, after Senator Bernie Sanders dropped out of the Democratic presidential race, Treissman posted on Reddit that he needed to "save Bernie."

According to the court document, he wrote on April 15 in iFunny, "Should I kill Joe Biden?"

He then bought an AR-15 rifle in New Hampshire, searched for Biden's private address in Delaware, and drove to a branch of the Wendy's fast food chain 6 miles away.

He wrote a labeling list in which the last clause was "to execute" (also "to execute").

About a month later, Treisman was arrested after police found the commercial vehicle abandoned.

Documents and press reports tell of Traisman that he had a difficult childhood.

He was born in 2000 to Kimberly and Eric Treisman, during his father's second marriage, who chose the Jewish name Hillel for his middle name.

He was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum.

Nine years after Alexander was born, his father died of a heart attack.

His death came just days after the divorce proceedings from Treisman's mother ended after a bitter fight over custody, local Fox Steven Fox journalist wrote in an obituary.

The obituary also states that Eric Treisman was a member for many years at the Beit Tikva Synagogue in Santa Fe.

A photograph of Alexander Treisman as a baby in the synagogue appeared in a local newspaper.

Treisman's father was a well-known and active lawyer in Santa Fe for the rights of Tibetan and Native Americans.

According to the ads and obituaries, Treisman helped arrange a first meeting between the Dalai Lama and George W. Bush Sr., which led to an agreement to allow Tibetan immigrants to enter the United States.

In 1996, Treisman unsuccessfully ran for the New Mexico Senate.

About five years after Eric Treisman's death, Alexander's mother moved with her two sons to the Chicago area.

She wrote on Facebook that she was looking for a school that would suit her son Alexander, then 14, whom she described as having high-functioning autism.

She was worried that in the absence of the right environment, he would not get tools for a successful life.

"Otherwise Alex will drop out of school in eighth grade," she wrote.

"Eric in no way would want that to happen. He is very intelligent but does not function in a normal school environment."

Treisman appears to have been interested in shooting and child pornography.

A video uploaded to the DailyMotion website last December shows a variety of short excerpts, including indecent acts with children, the use of firearms and the use of a derogatory word to describe blacks.

A cleaner version of this video was posted on Traisman's YouTube account, which he kept under the nickname Flippy Mapper and to which 141 subscribers subscribed.

Most of his films seem to be about video games.

Court documents allege that Treisman spoke in praise of mass shooting attacks.

On one occasion, he was driving near the scene of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, in which 57 people were killed, and recorded a video in which he was heard saying, "Here it is. It's here. This is the place, here they did it. Allah Akbar! Lol, Pretty".

He also praised the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other mass shootings.

Court documents reveal that Treisman's mother, Kimberly, encouraged him to "release on bail and escape" when he called from jail in May.

This conversation took place about five years after that worried mother's post on Facebook in which she told about her son's difficulties at school.

"Please help Alex succeed," she wrote at the time.

"Life is just beginning."

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