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The return of the caliphate? | Israel today


A direct line is drawn between the throats of the throats in France and Hizb al-Tahrir, which is gaining momentum in Israel and around the world • Its activities have not yet been banned here | Israel this week - a political supplement

A direct line has been drawn between the throats of throats in France, against the background of the attack there on "the memory of the Prophet Muhammad", and Hezb al-Tahrir, which is gaining momentum in Israel and other countries • Here the movement's correspondence with ISIS values ​​has not been banned. The house

  • Hizb al-Tahrir demonstration last week in Copenhagen



The 15,000 Muslims who filled the courtyards of the mosques on the Temple Mount last Friday turned a few days late into another newspaper article about mass infection during the Corona period.

But the real story of this event is several times bigger: Behind the huge protest against France last Friday near the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the Hezb al-Tahrir movement (Islamic Liberation Party), about which the Israeli public has heard, if at all, very little. 

One line links the ideology of the movement, which many European and Arab countries have already outlawed, to the ideology of the throat-splitting, Islamist terrorists who have been back in action in France for the past two weeks.

At least in terms of its goals - even if not in terms of the way to achieve the goal - Hizb al-Tahrir is the twin of al-Qaeda and ISIS, whose men are the ones who apparently attacked the streets of Vienna on Monday evening. 

In East Jerusalem, Hizb al-Tahrir already has tens of thousands of supporters.

The movement holds weekly classes (usually on Thursdays) on the Temple Mount, and has branches in Abu Dis, al-Azaria, Ramallah, al-Bira, the Old City, Beit Hanina, Beit Safafa and Tzur Baher, as well as Hebron.

The popularity of the movement, security officials say, has been rising in recent years.

Now it turns out that so are its global threats.

The Islamic Liberation Party is not new.

Since its establishment in 1952, by Sheikh Taki al-Din Nabhani of Jerusalem, it has been preaching the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate, as it was in the time of Muhammad, the "pure period", and the establishment of an Islamic state.

The concept of liberation - liberation - refers, according to the organization, first and foremost to total cultural liberation from the influence of Western culture.

Territorial liberation is only the second stage. 

The movement's members, who are also active in Britain, Australia, Indonesia, the United States and many Arab countries, seek to replace all national rule with global Muslim world rule. In this respect, the Egyptian government, like the Turkish or Jordanian and Fatah, and even Hamas - all by their nationality, They were the same: sticks in the wheels of the global caliphate dream.

"The influence of Hezb al - Tahrir in Jerusalem and the Judean territories is much wider than is apparent," said Dr. David Koren, a former adviser to the mayor of East Jerusalem.

"The real question that the organization's activity has been raising for years is whether and when it will replace its method of operation through deva - religious empowerment by way of persuasion and preaching - and convert it into violent jihad in the style of recent French events." 

The leader of the organization is Abu Reshta

Koren, a researcher at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, clarifies that "in the Palestinian context, Hizb al-Tahrir focuses on two key issues: preparing the ground for the al-Aqsa Mosque to be the future platform, which will be announced in time for the World Caliphate, ". 

In 2016, we publish here for the first time, Gilad Ardan, then the Minister of Internal Security, brought a resolution to the government to outlaw Hizb al-Tahrir.

The material submitted to the ministers included examples from around the world of Hizb al-Tahrir's leakage of terrorist activity.

There were many quotations of extreme incitement sermons by its people in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount.

"The GSS opposed the move, arguing that in Israel the movement does not resort to violence and terrorism, and that it should be allowed to operate in broad daylight and prevent it from going underground - where it will be more difficult to monitor and monitor its activities." about. 

Tutorial at Mike's Place

That decision from 2016 has a price.

Even if Hizb al-Tahrir itself does not carry out terrorist attacks, its impact on wider circles may and may in the past lead members of other organizations to plan or carry out violent and terrorist activities.

One example of this is an ISIS cell that was exposed in the Shuafat refugee camp in October 2016. Another example is the shooting of two terrorists at a bus in the Ramot neighborhood in March 2016. The black flag of Hezb al-Tahrir was found in the vehicle of one of the terrorists who carried out that attack. 

An earlier example was the assassination in 2013 of three Salafist activists from the village of Yatta in the southern Hebron Mountains, who planned to carry out an attack on Israeli targets.

So was the terrorist attack carried out by two terrorists with British citizenship in the Mike's Place pub, on the promenade on the shores of Tel Aviv in April 2003. In that attack, three people were killed.

Although Hamas claimed responsibility, it turned out to have been carried out by two young British-Muslim men of Pakistani origin, who had previously met in London one of the sheikhs identified with Hizb al-Tahrir. 

The price of avoiding the outlawing of the "Liberation Party" also includes the inclusion of harsh texts from the movement's spokesmen in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

These texts touch many lines on the content of extremist Islamists elsewhere in the world, including in France today. 

The attack on Mike's Place // Photo: AFP

The most prominent spokesman for the movement in East Jerusalem in recent years is Sheikh Issam Amira.

Amira believes that "the Islamic Caliphate should be restored to lead the armies to the war against infidels," and that "in order to achieve this, the activists must work together with all Muslims and establish the Islamic State."

According to a statement, "This also requires the destruction of bodies in the Islamic world, without showing any mercy or compassion towards any of those entities." 

In the past, Amira has also dedicated things to "enemies who believe in more than one," giving them three options: convert to Islam, pay the jazia (skull tax), or "we will seek Allah's help to fight them."

Another sheikh, Nidal Siam, who on Friday spoke out against France on the Temple Mount, called on "loyal people of the nation working in its armies to move to turn the tables on the oppressors' heads".

Siam, by the way, prayed in al-Aqsa as early as the summer of 2017 to allow "the slaughter of Europeans and Americans and our criminals and traitors (Arabs)".

"O Allah," Siam then exclaimed, "Do not leave any of them on earth ... O Allah, replace them with the Amir of the believers." 

The emir of Hezb al-Tahrir and his current leader is Ata Abu Rishta, 77, a native of the Hebron area, a civil engineer by profession, who lived in Jordan until 2003 and then moved to an unknown location, after being arrested several times and restricted to Jordan.

Against the Crusader values

Another preacher, a member of Hizb al-Tahrir, Ali Abu Ahmad, who delivered a speech in al-Aqsa a few days ago, said the answer to French President Macron, who "supported the publication of cartoons offending the Prophet Muhammad", was the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate The demolition of Paris to the ground by Muslim armies led by the Caliph "(translation courtesy of Mamari). These and similar things, most of which were incidentally married on the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, correspond well with the official announcement of Hezb al-Tahrir in Israel, following a publication The cartoons against the "Prophet of Islam" and the renewed Islamic terrorism in France as a result:

"The civilization of France and the West is false, a civilization of atheism and a lack of faith and deviation, and so they hate the true religion, the religion of God and the mission ... The response to France and its president can only be by declaring jihad for God. This is the true response to infidels. We call on you from the Al-Aqsa Mosque to support the Messenger of God (referring to Muhammad) and to establish the suits and religion of God on earth. "

Temple Mount, last week // Photo: Reuters

Dr. Shaul Bartel, of the Begin-Sadat Center at Bar-Ilan University, a veteran researcher of Islamic jihadist organizations and author of the book "Through Jihad in Palestine," also did much of his research on Hizb al-Tahrir and its activities in Israel. France, Bartel explains, Now defined by Hezb al-Tahrir and his ilk as the enemy of Islam.

To the organization, France today represents the Crusader values ​​centered on opposition to the Prophet Muhammad.

"The duty of Islam to go against the Crusader values, and to protect the sanctuaries of Islam, includes the protection of al-Aqsa on the Temple Mount." 

Bartel clarifies that whenever there is an interaction of conflict between Islam and France - for example around the cartoons - "the Crusaders' spirit of the West is illustrated to the extremists of Islam. The Crusaders, who previously conquered the Holy Land and in this case their French counterparts "History. In the view of Hezb al - Tahrir, the Crusaders are a reality, and they must be killed. The incident on the Temple Mount last Friday is part of the picture."

Does Israel and Zionism and the Jews have a place in the world of Hizb al-Tahrir?

Bartel: "Unlike other Palestinian movements, which present the issue of Palestine as a problem with Zionism or with Western colonialism, in the writings of the Liberation Party, Zionism is not mentioned. The conflict is between Islam and Jews. Israel is mentioned as the Jewish state or Jewish entity. "An integral part of Dar al-Islam and no Jew has the right to live there."

Hizb al-Tahrir, Bartel adds, "praises terrorists and terrorist attacks and all aggressive activity against Jews wherever they are. It is an organization that preaches hatred of Jews, with extensive literature against Jews and against the State of Israel and the West in general."

One of the essays Bartl alludes to is the book "Political Problems, Occupied Muslim Lands."

According to the concept presented in it, when the caliphate is established and jihad is declared against the West, the Jews will be annihilated to the last of them due to their role in the forces of evil and heresy. 

Chastity guards in the alleys

Lt. Col. (Res.) Baruch Yedid, a former Arab affairs adviser at the Central Command, wrote a position paper about Hezb al-Tahrir's activities in Israel about a year ago, for the East Jerusalem Research and Development Desk. Jihad "No longer spreading an idea in closed house circles, but developing violent cadres, liaising with global jihadist organizations and setting up cells and bases of action." He reveals that the movement's central headquarters is currently located in London. 

The Liberation Party, he said, "is a political Islamic movement that does not recognize the laws of the state wherever it is, Arab or Western, and seeks to establish a state of halakhah."

A friend discovers that the membership in the movement is secret, and its members have been hiding their activities for decades.

"They only include Muslim men and women who adopt the religious way of life with extreme piety. Recently, inspired by al-Qaeda and Hamas, the movement's security has increased and it does not adhere to the principle of closed and secret circles, and its activists frequent door-to-door recruitment."

A friend also tells of activists in East Jerusalem beating young people who were caught drinking alcohol, or those who violated the duty of Ramadan fasting, and also of cases of beating young women whose clothing is not modest enough in the alleys of the Old City and villages east of the city.

He noted that members of the movement were the ones who beat the Egyptian foreign minister when he visited the al-Aqsa Mosque, noting that the Palestinian Authority, like other Arab governments such as Jordan and Egypt, is now a legitimate target in the eyes of the Tahrir, as their governments are considered "non-Islamic". The establishment of the state of the Khalafa and the spread of religion and the arrival of the Day of Judgment.

Hizb al-Tahrir is active in about 50 countries around the world, and its registered operatives number an estimated one million people.

Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt, Azerbaijan and many other countries have arrested activists over the years.

Some were imprisoned.

In Egypt, Turkey, China and most Arab countries, its law prohibits its activities.

Germany did the same, after it became clear that the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, Muhammad Atta, was influenced by the organization's ideology.

In the eyes of Western observers, the organization paved the way for al-Qaeda and even donated some of its members to the terrorist production line. 

But Israel, as mentioned, has meanwhile refrained from outlawing the Islamic Liberation Party, in order to allow the security forces to monitor its actions more conveniently.

Why does Israel allow extremist organization activists to make the Temple Mount the focus of its activity?

This was not answered this week.

The Viennese connection

Are Hezb al-Tahrir's people even indirectly connected to the attack that took place on Monday evening in Austria?

As far as is known, members of the movement do not operate in Austria, but there are contacts and influences between ISIS operatives and Hizb al-Tahrir operatives in various European countries. 

According to the Gatesstone Institute in New York, some 300 Austrian civilians have traveled to war zones in Syria and Iraq in recent years.

90 of them returned to Austria.

Susan Keren published a year ago on the "Mida" website that last October, a court in the city of Graz sentenced four citizens of Turkish descent to prison for their activities in recruiting into the ranks of ISIS. 

The prosecutor at the trial described how mosques in Austria are used to support ISIS and recruit activists, and demanded that the punishment be tightened.

"If we are not careful, Islam could overthrow the rule of law. We must not be afraid of heavy punishments," he said.

On Monday, the Austrian interior minister announced that the captured terrorist had identified himself with ISIS.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-11-07

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