The Limited Times

US election on CNN: magic on the wall

11/5/2020, 7:48:04 PM

For two days, CNN has been reporting live on the US election live. It is mainly about data analysis for counting the votes. The focus: the "Magic Wall".

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John King, CNN host:

"Again, this is frustrating for the folks back home. Part of this can feel like Groundhog Day when we're looking at the states again and you're wondering who is going to win the presidency."


Who will win it now, the presidency?

Election day was two days ago - and the US television broadcaster CNN cannot yet give an answer.

John King, CNN presenter:

"The trend is towards Biden. But votes still need to be counted."

This is what moderator John King said, mind you, in his second shift on the election broadcast.

The US broadcaster has been live since Tuesday evening.


As long as there is constant breaking news to report, the airtime fills up quickly.

Wolf Blitzer, CNN presenter:

"We have an important prediction. CNN predicts that President Trump will win the state of Florida. A great success for President Trump in Florida."

But at some point it needed other broadcast material.

Time for the "Magic Wall".

Chris Cuomo, CNN presenter:

"Let's take a look at the 'Magic Wall' with Phil Mattingly."

The "Magic Wall" is what CNN calls its tool, with which the team analyzes the counted votes down to the smallest detail.

And: Here the moderators really play through the last chance how which candidate can win.

State after state.

Scenario after scenario.

John King, CNN host:

"253 to 213. That is, again, if Joe Biden makes it ... He leads here and he leads here. If he holds the two states, he's the elected president of the United States, it doesn't matter. what is happening in the other states. "

John King, CNN presenter:

"If Biden catches up here and this holds up, then ... The president has caught up a bit in Arizona. This one is also tight. But Biden would only have to win one of these two states if he was in Georgia Therefore this chess game of the various developments in these states. "

A chess game that fits very well with a view of the many small counties and fields.

But actually there are far too many numbers involved for that.

Phil Mattingly, CNN host:

"It's 18 percent of the state. It's 67 percent to 31 percent, that's a huge difference. It's not 10, 20, 30,000 votes either. There's probably 120,000, maybe 130,000 votes left, the Biden team can still get here. "

This may seem confusing at first, but the tool is actually very helpful for various analyzes.

It shows how the relationships between the candidates shift - before the preliminary final results.


John Berman, CNN host:

"This is possibly a significant moment in the development of this race. Donald Trump was leading in Michigan until a few minutes ago. We have been waiting for the postal votes from these metropolitan areas. Now more have arrived And now Joe Biden leads with 6000 votes.

Phil Mattingly, CNN host:

"We told you this was going to happen. And now it is happening."

Something is being forecast for the US election - and is it true?

The "Magic Wall" makes it possible.

The data shows exactly where votes are still counted in the states - and what the situation is there.

John King, CNN host:

"A lot of the votes yet to be tallied are from the suburbs of Atlanta. And you see, this is Atlanta itself, Fulton County. You can see how well things are going for Biden here. This is DeKalb County. You can see how well things are going for Biden here. And votes are still being counted there. You could say: Joe Biden has a chance. "

A lack of votes in a democratic county means that Biden should continue to make up ground here.

That is much safer than any poll before an election.

And the "Magic Wall" helps to back up developments in the individual locations and groups of voters that have been speculated about for weeks with facts.

Phil Mattingly, CNN presenter:

"The suburbs shifted a lot in the direction of the Democrats in 2016. Hillary Clinton won here by eight percentage points. How is Joe Biden doing now? Wow, wow, wow. Everyone has over the suburbs spoken, who keep turning away from President Trump. That was seen in 2018. That was seen in the midterms. It was seen when Gretchen Whitmore won the race for governor here in 2018. This is proof of that. "

We would have loved to talk to someone from the CNN team about the continuous broadcast, about the magic of their wall.

Unfortunately there was a cancellation.

Broadcasting 24 hours a day - there is not much time left for other things.

Because a few states and counties have to be calculated again.

John King, CNN host:

"It's an election during a pandemic. It affects Nevada most of all. These are postal votes. You count them. We have to be patient and wait. That doesn't mean you don't tune in and should check. "

 Chris Cuomo, CNN presenter:

"We count. #Keepcouting. That's what a democracy demands. We'll take a break and be right back - and find out why he's coughing."

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