The Limited Times

Cyprus, a hotbed of tension with Turkey

11/6/2020, 5:18:12 AM

THE KEYS TO UNDERSTANDING - Since 1974, the Mediterranean island has been divided between the South (Greek part) and the North (Turkish part). The discovery of gas fields off its coasts and Erdogan's maritime expansionism rekindle tensions in this disputed area.

● One island, two peoples

Turkish possession until the First World War and the dislocation of the Ottoman Empire, Cyprus officially became a British colony in 1923 and remained so until its independence in 1960. At the time of annexation by the English, the population was 80% Greeks (Orthodox) and 20% Turks (Muslims).

In 1964, friction between the two communities, fueled by paramilitary extremists on both sides, was such that the UN Security Council adopted resolution 186 and created a peacekeeping force (UNFICYP).

Objective: to intervene between the two factions.

The ace!

Ten years later, Ankara's army invaded the north, in response to a putsch by Greek ultranationalists aimed at reuniting Cyprus with Greece.

Read also:

Turkey advances its pawns in the northern part of Cyprus

After the ceasefire, the UN contingent will have to ensure security in a buffer zone, called the “green line”, which stretches over 180 kilometers and which de facto cuts the island into two entities: the Turkish-speaking part in the north. (38% of the area

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