The Limited Times

Joe Biden hopes to announce his election victory on Saturday

11/7/2020, 4:17:42 AM

"We'll win this race": Joe Biden is confident of victory. In a speech he asked the Americans to be patient with the counting process and stressed that as President he would also represent those who had not voted for him.

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Joe Biden



In the US presidential election campaign, challenger Joe Biden once again turned to the public.

In a speech in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden said he would win the race against President Donald Trump.

But he won't declare victory yet, said Biden.

But he hopes to be able to speak to the Americans on Saturday.

 "We will win this race with a clear majority and the nation behind us," said Biden.

At the same time, he emphasized that no winner had yet been declared.

Biden is well ahead of Republican incumbent Donald Trump in the ongoing vote count.

He had already claimed victory on election night while the count was running - an unprecedented process.

Biden again pledged that if he wins, he will be president of all Americans - including those who did not vote for him in the election.

"We may be opponents, but we are not enemies."

The 77-year-old added: "I've never been so optimistic about the future of this nation."

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