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US election: reactions to Joe Biden's election victory


After days of uncertainty, Joe Biden has been chosen as the next US president. In Germany there is relief across the political camps. Lady Gaga speaks of an "act of kindness and courage." The reactions.

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People in New York after Joe Biden's election victory was announced


Just seconds after several US media outlets declared the Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden the winner of the election in the USA on Saturday, great cheers broke out in many large cities.

People clapped, shouted and cheered on the streets of New York.

Hundreds flocked to Times Square to celebrate.

Many drivers sounded their horns non-stop.

The demonstrators gathered in front of the White House in Washington cheered.

The future president wrote on Twitter that it was time "to leave the anger and harsh rhetoric behind and come together as a nation."

America must heal now.

Hard work is ahead.

"But I promise you: I will be a president for all Americans - whether they voted for me or not."

Merkel: "Transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable"

In Germany, across all political camps, there was more agreement than seldom about an election result abroad.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) congratulated Biden via Twitter, her message was spread by government spokesman Steffen Seibert, among others.

She was looking forward to "future cooperation with President Biden," it said.

"Our transatlantic friendship is irreplaceable if we are to meet the great challenges of our time."

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier wrote to Biden personally.

He hoped for a "new common ground" between the USA and Germany: "It is the hope of reliability, common sense and persistent work on solutions in a troubled world," said Steinmeier.

Now it is time to renew the transatlantic partnership between Germany and the USA.

CSU boss Markus Söder commented on the election result with the slogan "Yes he can!"

- alluding to the motto of the presidency of Trump's predecessor Barack Obama "Yes we can!". 

Relieved reactions also came from the opposition: "Not every disagreement with the USA will go away, but there is a chance of a restart of the transatlantic partnership. We Europeans should use it," wrote FDP leader Christian Lindner.

Greens boss Annalena Baerbock tweeted: "What a liberating message!"

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Heads of state and government from other European countries also congratulated Biden on his election victory.

French President Emmanuel Macron wrote: "We have a lot to do to meet today's challenges. Let's work together!"

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson called Biden's success "historic".

The USA is Britain's "most important ally" and he is looking forward to working together: "From climate change to trade and security."

In the USA, the Democratic ex-presidents Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama congratulated.

Obama, whose Vice-President Biden had been, wrote on Twitter that he "couldn't be more proud."

Now everyone has to do their part to "lower the temperature and to find a common starting point to move forward".

Hillary Clinton, Democratic challenger to Trump four years ago, wrote that Biden's election was "a rejection of Trump".

Republicans also congratulate Biden

But political competitors like Jeb Bush from the Republicans also congratulated Biden.

Bush wrote on Twitter that he would pray for its success.

"Now is the time to heal deep wounds."

His party colleague Mitt Romney joined Bush: he and his wife Ann had come to know Biden "as people of good will and admirable character."

They would pray to God that He would "protect them for the days and years to come".

Singer Lady Gaga called the choice of Biden an "act of kindness and courage."

Presenter and comedian Jimmy Kimmel thanked the "lifelong Republicans" who could no longer agree with "their conscience" to "let this thing go on."

The satirist Jan Böhmermann wrote on Twitter with a view to the four-day counting period only: "Finally sleep!"

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bah / dpa / AFP / Reuters

Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2020-11-07

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