The Limited Times

US presidential election: Emmanuel Macron congratulates Joe Biden

11/7/2020, 6:14:36 PM

The French president calls on the American president declared victor to act "together".Emmanuel Macron congratulated Joe Biden on Saturday, November 7 on his election as President of the United States and called on him to act " together " to " meet the challenges of today ". Live: LIVE - US Presidential: Joe Biden wins election “ The Americans have appointed their President. Congratulations @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris! We have a lot to do to meet today's challenges. Let's act toge

Emmanuel Macron congratulated Joe Biden on Saturday, November 7 on his election as President of the United States and called on him to act "


" to "

meet the challenges of today


Live: LIVE - US Presidential: Joe Biden wins election

The Americans have appointed their President.

Congratulations @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris!

We have a lot to do to meet today's challenges.

Let's act together!

», Reacted the president in a tweet.

Democrat Joe Biden, declared the winner of the election in the United States by most of the American media, on Saturday promised to be "

the president of all Americans

". "

I am honored and humbled by the confidence the Americans have placed in me and the Vice President-elect,

" Joe Biden said in a statement. "

With the campaign over, it is time to leave the anger and fiery rhetoric behind and come together as a nation,

" he added. “

It is time for America to come together and heal its wounds.


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