The Limited Times

US election: the moment of decision

11/8/2020, 3:42:16 PM

Where were you when Biden's election victory was announced? Kamala Harris found out about it while jogging. Donald Trump caught the news while golfing. And many Democrats celebrated wherever they were.

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Wolf Blitzer, CNN Commentator:

"We can now announce the winner of the race for the presidency."

After days of hanging around, CNN was the first broadcaster to venture out of cover.

Moderator Wolf Blitzer announced Joe Biden's election victory at 11:25 a.m. local time on Saturday.  

Wolf Blitzer, CNN Commentator:

"This victory makes Kamala Harris the first woman and first person of color to serve as Vice President. Again, CNN proclaims Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States."

The other news channels followed suit a little later.

The moment of decision was there.

Biden supporters in New York celebrate the song ”YMCA”, which Donald Trump had last recorded during his performances.

Trump opponents across the country have now let their feelings run wild in a variety of ways.  

And Donald Trump?

He learned of his electoral defeat on his golf course in the US state of Virginia.

And was silent.

Not so, Kamala Harris, who picked up the phone and dialed Joe Biden's number.

Donald Trump returned to the White House later in the day, where more and more Biden supporters celebrated the election victory.

Trump announced a little later on Twitter that he did not recognize Biden's victory.

One will complain.  

How some lawyers on the Trump team experienced the moment of decision is documented.

At a press conference in Philadelphia, including: New York's former mayor and Trump adviser Rudy Guiliani.  

Rudy Giuliani, lawyer in Trump's campaign team:

"Who was it announced by? Oh my goodness: from all channels. Wow: all channels." We have to forget the law.

Judges don't count. "All broadcasts, all broadcasts. All broadcasters thought Biden would win by 10 percent. But what happened? Come on, don't be ridiculous. Broadcasters can't decide on elections. Courts do."

Here too: No insight that the choice has been made.

The press conference of the lawyers was already under a bad star.

Apparently there was a mistake in choosing the location.

Instead of the city's "Four Seasons" hotel, the lawyers gathered in front of the unadorned building of a landscaping business with a similar name.  

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