The Limited Times

Against Covid-19, Biden "implores" Americans to "wear a mask"

11/9/2020, 5:29:49 PM

Wearing a mask "is not a political posture," said the President-elect of the United States from his stronghold of Wilmington.

Wearing a mask "

is not a political posture

," said United States President-elect Joe Biden on Monday, November 9, who "


" Americans to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus pandemic.

Live: LIVE - Covid-19: wave of hope after the announcement of a vaccine "90% effective"


Please I implore you to wear a mask,

" he said during an address in Wilmington, Delaware, as many supporters of incumbent President Donald Trump balk at doing so. "

Do it for yourself, for your neighbor, the mask is not a political posture, but it is a good way to start to bring the country together


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