The Limited Times

Merkel on the 2020 US election: So far, she has only congratulated Joe Biden - will the swipe against Trump now follow?

11/9/2020, 9:33:00 AM

Transatlantic friendship is important to Chancellor Angela Merkel. The relationship could improve again under President Biden. On Monday, she will comment on the US election.

Transatlantic friendship is important to Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The relationship could improve again under President Biden.

On Monday, she will comment on the US election.

  • On Saturday, US TV broadcaster

    Joe Biden

    proclaimed the next President of the United States.

  • Angela Merkel

    then congratulated on the social networks, on Monday she wants to vote at 10:45 a.m. for the US election


  • Experts assume that the

    relationship will

    at least improve in tone.

Berlin / Washington, DC - For Chancellor

Angela Merkel

(CDU), the designated

US President Joe Biden

(Democrats) will not be an absolutely new conversation and government partner: After eight years at the side of ex-President Barack Obama (Democrats), Biden is has already been a guest in Germany.


, it took four days

until a


in this year's

US election thriller * was

determined and the major US TV stations




Biden as "President-elect".

During this time Merkel remained calm and did not say a word about the election.

Your spokesman,

Steffen Seibert

, emphasized again and again that they wanted to wait for the final result.



writes that Merkel was kept informed about the latest status behind the scenes, for example at the morning meeting or with a message on her

cell phone

about important developments



Christoph Heusgen

, UN ambassador in New York, she has a close confidante in


whom she can contact at any time.

Video: Portrait of Joe Biden - A lot of work awaits the reconciler

On Monday at 10.45 a.m. Angela Merkel * wants to

comment on the US election

with a



So far, incumbent President Donald Trump (Republican) has not yet publicly recognized the election result.

Instead, he would like to continue with multiple


against the

vote count


However, he and his campaign team have not yet presented any solid


of extensive or even systematic election fraud.

Experts therefore believe that he will not have much success with his legal approach.

It is possible that

the votes

will occasionally be


, but even these should no longer change the end result significantly, as Biden

can win

significantly more


than Trump.

According to


, there are currently 279 voters for Biden to 214 voters for Trump, with no winner yet announced in four states, including




, where Joe Biden continues to lead.

Angela Merkel on the US election 2020: "I look forward to future cooperation"

Angela Merkel congratulated the


on Saturday via social networks.

"I wish him luck and success from the bottom of my heart and I also congratulate

Kamala Harris *

, the elected first female vice president of her country."

Chancellor #Merkel congratulates @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris.

- Steffen Seibert (@RegSsprecher) November 7, 2020

Merkel continued: “I look forward to


with President Biden

in the future

.” She also emphasized the importance of

transatlantic friendship

for the current challenges.

Experts assume that in the future something will change mainly in the tone of the relationship under Biden.

However, it remains to be seen what pressure Joe Biden *

will exert

on the





for example

, when it comes to trade issues with China or the Nord Stream 2 project with Russia.

(cibo) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

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