The Limited Times

Magazine repeats the famous cover of Donald Trump after the victory of Joe Biden | Video | CNN

11/12/2020, 4:38:38 AM

Edel Rodríguez is a Cuban-American artist, raised in the city of Hialeah, Florida. He was the one who drew the famous cover of Time magazine on the | United States | CNN

Edel Rodríguez is a Cuban-American artist, raised in the city of Hialeah, Florida.

He was the one who drew the famous cover of Time magazine in which President Donald Trump comes out melting.

And he is also the author of the February 2017 cover of the German magazine Der Spiegel, in which Trump appears with a bloody knife in one hand and the head of the Statue of Liberty in the other.

Now, with the victory of Joe Biden, the German magazine hired him again.

And the artist took the opportunity to close the story.

Look how.

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