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US election 2020: Joe Biden wins in Republican stronghold against Donald Trump

11/12/2020, 8:42:24 AM

Donald Trump refuses to recognize the result of the 2020 US election. His defeat against Joe Biden becomes increasingly clear.

Donald Trump refuses to recognize the result of the 2020 US election.

His defeat against Joe Biden becomes increasingly clear.

  • The 


    * voted.

    Donald Trump

    * has lost.

    Joe Biden

    * becomes the next

    US president


  • Joe Biden


    another Republican state

    in the presidential election * against

    Donald Trump


  • US election 2020

    *: All news and developments at a glance.

+++ Update from November 12, 2020, 9:30 a.m.:

Joe Biden

not only won a victory over

Donald Trump

in the

US election


The elected president also conquered a republican stronghold, where in the past 70 years a Democratic candidate has won only once.

We're talking about the US state of



As the news agency "Associated Press", the news channel "Fox News" and the local news site "Arizona Republic" report,

Joe Biden has kept

his narrow lead over

Donald Trump


According to the Arizona Republic, Biden continues to lead Trump with 11,635 votes.

A total of around 25,000 votes are still to be counted.

Officials in Arizona have rejected

allegations of election fraud, repeatedly made by

Donald Trump

and his team.

"If there was a big conspiracy, it didn't work," said Mark Brnovich, Republican prosecutor, to US broadcaster Fox Business.

Decision Desk HQ Projects Biden (D) Has Won The State Of AZ And Its 11 Electoral Votes

Race Called At 10:29 PM EST

All Results:

- Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) November 12, 2020

US election: New York Times investigates allegations of election fraud by Donald Trump

+++ 9:04 p.m.:

The "New York Times" has taken on the charge of

electoral fraud

and asked electoral officers in all US states in a large-scale research whether they had found irregularities in the casting of votes.

The result: High-ranking officials from both parties in dozen states said there was no evidence that fraud or irregularities played a role in the presidential election outcome.

Officials said the report said the counting process had been a notable success despite the high turnout and complications from the

coronavirus pandemic


"People have a great ability to make things up about elections that don't vote," Ohio Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose told the New York Times.


conspiracy theories

and rumors and all of that go wild.

For some reason, elections create this kind of mythology, ”LaRose continued.

The "New York Times" contacted politicians across the country on Monday and Tuesday (November 9th and 10th, 2020) and received direct feedback from 45 states; in four other states the newspaper spoke to other officials or found public statements from ministers - nobody reported any major problems afterwards.

Only Texas did not respond directly to the request.

Only a spokeswoman for the electoral commissioner in the largest county replied that there were few minor problems, but otherwise it was "a very good choice".

According to the newspaper, some states reported minor problems that occur in every election, such as a few cases of illegal or

double voting

, technical problems and calculation errors.

2020 US Election: Republican Says Election Fraud "Has Nothing To Do With Reality"

+++ 8:31 p.m.:

Was there now election fraud in the


or not?



have divided opinions

on this question


While numerous Republican politicians

agree with


and his team, others oppose it: In 


 Pennsylvania, the head of the agency,

Al Schmidt

, himself a Republican,


that, contrary to all claims, there was no large-scale

election fraud


"I've seen the most amazing things on social media - none of which have anything to do with reality," he said on CNN. 

Philadelphia, where


and his supporters speak of particularly massive election fraud, wants to officially confirm the election results on November 23.

Trump commented on Schmidt's statement on Twitter, calling him a “so-called Republican” who refused to see “a mountain of corruption and dishonesty”.

And added: "We win!"

A guy named Al Schmidt, a Philadelphia Commissioner and so-called Republican (RINO), is being used big time by the Fake News Media to explain how honest things were with respect to the Election in Philadelphia.

He refuses to look at a mountain of corruption & dishonesty.

We win!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2020

2020 US election: Georgia wants to re-count all votes by hand

+++ 6.20 p.m.:

The US state Georgia wants to


the votes in the presidential election again - by hand.

The responsible State Secretary Brad Raffensperger announced on Wednesday (11/11/2020).

That was the right decision given the close gap between

President Donald Trump

and challenger

Joe Biden

, he said.


In the state of Georgia, the presidential election votes are counted again.

(Symbol image)

© Brynn Anderson / dpa

Georgia is not decisive for Biden's election victory.

The state of


has already lifted him above the threshold of the necessary 270 electorate.

Georgia, with 16 voters, could only cement Biden's success - or play a role if Trump attorneys manage to overturn the results in other states.

The chances of this, however, are assessed by US legal experts as very low.




by 14,111 votes, Raffensperger said.

That is many times more than the difference in previous recounts.

Around five million votes were cast in Georgia.

Biden would be the first Democrat since Bill Clinton in 1992 to win a Georgia presidential election. 

BREAKING - #Georgia will do a ** hand recount ** of every single legal vote until certification day, according to the Secretary of State.

- 🚨 (@disclosetv) November 11, 2020

2020 US Election: No more America First - Joe Biden promises better relationships to the world

+++ 3.40 p.m.:

Since the counting is still not over, shifts in the majority are still taking place.

Joe Biden has already been chosen as the election winner with 279 votes (270 would have been enough). * Here is a brief overview of the current majority shifts in the individual states.

Trump is losing to Biden by ...

20,539 votes in Wisconsin

47,215 votes in Pennsylvania

12,567 votes in Georgia

14,746 votes in Arizona

36,274 votes in Nevada

These are not margins that get undone in recounts.

- Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) November 10, 2020


: In the state that has 16 votes for the electoral assembly,

Joe Biden expanded

his lead to 14,100 votes today.

This makes it 49.5 percent for

Joe Biden

and 49.2 percent for the current incumbent

Donald Trump


Given the tight result, the Georgia government has already requested a recount.

North Carolina

: 15 voters can be sent from this state.

With 74,900 votes,

Donald Trump

(50 percent) leads against

Joe Biden

(49.2 percent).


: The lead that

Joe Biden

had at the beginning of the election shrank significantly to 12,813 votes.

So did

Joe Biden

49.4 percent, Incumbent

Donald Trump

is 49.0 percent.

Arizona sends 11 voters.


: In the state with the gambling paradise Las Vegas,

Joe Biden's

lead grew

to 36,700 votes.

He thus consolidated his share of the vote of 50.2 percent,

Donald Trump,

however, is 47.5 percent.

The desert state sends 6 voters.


: The cold and sparsely populated state in the extreme northwest of the


can only give three votes for the electoral assembly.


Donald Trump

is clearly ahead with more than 46,500 votes, which makes up a share of 56.9 percent.

Joe Biden

has only 39.1 percent of the vote here.

+++ 1:20 p.m .:

End with "America First"?

Joe Biden


to improve


relations with the

world again and


Donald Trump's



In particular, closer cooperation with Europe is sought on both sides.

As the "Spiegel" reports, Biden is said to have promised in telephone conversations with Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin to "revive" the transatlantic relationship with Europe.

David Graham of "The Atlantic" writes that Biden

wants to bring



back to its "rightful place" and undo the failures of his predecessor.

A re-entry into the Paris climate agreement is intended.


Donald Trump

threatened that the US could withdraw from NATO, Biden also reiterated his intention to strengthen the military alliance.

Merkel had already announced that she was looking forward to the cooperation.

At the same time, she stressed that Germany must take its obligations in the alliance more seriously.


Joe Biden promises to strengthen US cooperation with other countries.


The relationship between the


and Iran should also improve.

Joe Biden

and Iran's President Hassan Ruhani have already signaled their willingness to work together again and return to the nuclear deal.

Existing sanctions could be lifted again.

Vice President Eshagh Jahangiri wrote on Twitter: “The era of

Donald Trump

and his adventurous and warmongering team is finally over.

[...] We hope that the US will now change its destructive policy "

Today, the Trump Administration officially left the Paris Climate Agreement.

And in exactly 77 days, a Biden Administration will rejoin it.

- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 5, 2020

US election 2020: Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump and laughs at Mike Pompeo

Update from Wednesday, November 11th, 2020, 9:05 a.m.:

After he was declared the next

US President


Joe Biden

again asked questions from the media at a press conference and criticized the behavior of

Donald Trump

, who was defeated in the

US election

still does not admit.

"I honestly think it's an embarrassment," Biden said in his hometown of Wilmington.

He doesn't think it would help the incumbent's legacy to impose electoral fraud on Biden and the Democrats without evidence.

In taking over official duties,





government of a lack of cooperation.

Nevertheless, this will not slow down or even stop his team's plans.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo * had previously announced that there would be a "smooth transition to a second Trump administration".

When he mentioned


, Biden couldn't help but laugh.

When asked how Biden expected to work with Republicans if they didn't even recognize him as president, Biden simply replied, "They will."

President-elect Joe Biden doesn't take the bait and instead laughs at Pompeo

- (@MeidasTouch) November 10, 2020

2020 US election: Fox News declares Donald Trump the winner in North Carolina

+++ 9:31 p.m.:


North Carolina


Donald Trump is

so far ahead with 99 percent of the votes counted that the “Decision Desk” of the station Fox News is now calling him the winner.


Trump is


in the state on the east coast of the


with a stable lead of 50.1 to 48.7 percent of the counted votes, it is expected that other TV channels like "CNN" will soon follow suit and also declare Trump the winner there .

North Carolina is being called for Trump and Tillis.

I'm looking forward to the cries of fraud from the GOP and refusal to accept the results.

- Leslie - 71 to 46. 🇺🇲 (@ Leslieoo7) November 10, 2020

Donald Trump

has not yet commented on his likely victory in North Carolina, but this may also be due to the fact that Trump has recently been at a clinch with Fox News and had

declared himself

the winner in

North Carolina

days ago


Instead, the elected president devotes his attention to the states in which he is just behind the elected president

Joe Biden


There Donald Trump continues to try to turn the result with legal means.


Lost the election, won North Carolina: Donald Trump won't do much.


+++ 5.49 p.m.:

Donald Trump's “Purge” (CNN) could pick up speed in the next few days.

According to information from the US news broadcaster CNN,

Donald Trump

is planning to

replace other high-ranking employees in the US administration.

Trump is said to be dissatisfied with the fact that many of his top officials do not publicly support him and his unproven election fraud allegations.

CNN speaks of a "radical cut" in government that could be imminent.

“The Guardian” sees

FBI boss

Christopher Wray


CIA boss

Gina Haspel

as “favorites” for the next layoffs.

Wray was

already a thorn in the side of

Donald Trump

during the election campaign when the FBI chief publicly stated that there was no evidence of a possible planned election fraud or of the "thrown away Trump postal ballots" (Donald Trump).

When asked, Trump said that the FBI chief was not doing his job well in this case.

CNN joins the Guardian and reports that Defense Secretary

Mark Esper

, who was recently

tweeted, shares concerns that Wray and Haspel could be the next sackings of the elected president.

CNN's @jaketapper reports that a senior administration official says Defense Secy.

Mark Esper, whom Pres.

Trump just fired via tweet, is worried that the President will fire FBI Director Christopher Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel next.

- The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) November 9, 2020

Update, 2.30 p.m.:

Even before his new Twitter tirade,

Donald Trump had

often spoken of electoral fraud, especially extremely in his speech in the White House two days after the election.

TV presenter

Stephen Colbert was

 stunned: "Donald Trump worked hard to destroy something," he said on his "

Late Show"


Colbert did not talk about the bush for long and called Trump a 


as reported by *.

2020 US election: Donald Trump reiterates allegations of fraud in Georgia and Nevada

First report

from Tuesday,

November 10th, 2020


Washington -

Donald Trump

was once again in a Twitter frenzy.

A few days after the

2020 US election

, the US president let his anger run free in the short message service.

The reason was the result of the

presidential election

, which was widely announced on Saturday (November 7th, 2020) by all TV channels and the AP news agency.

From Trump's point of view, the

fact that

Joe Biden was

elected the new President of the

United States

cannot be right.



turns out to be a cesspool of false voices," wrote

Donald Trump

and announced "absolutely shocking" revelations.

Twitter immediately provided the president's message with a warning.

The 74-year-old also wrote that he

would win

the state of


- "just like on election night".

But November 3rd is long gone, after the postal votes were counted,

Joe Biden took

the lead.

Joe Biden currently has a lead of 12,337 votes on Donald Trump (as of November 10, 2020, 12:00 p.m.).

Those responsible in


refer Trump's allegations to the realm of fable.

The Deputy Governor of Georgia said on CNN that he had not become aware of any significant cases of election fraud.

Geoff Duncan is a



Given the tight result, a

recount in Georgia is

very likely.

Nevada is turning out to be a pool of fake votes.

@mschlapp & @AdamLaxalt are finding things that, when released, will be absolutely shocking!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2020

US election 2020: Attorney General William Barr jumps aside Donald Trump


Donald Trump

continues to


his defeat and continues to resort to new lawsuits in order to overturn the result of the vote.

William Barr


 to the side.

The attorney general, who has long been regarded as a kind of cleaner for Donald Trump, authorized the prosecutors subordinate to him to investigate possible irregularities in the

presidential election


Such proceedings are likely to be included if there are "clear and apparently credible allegations of irregularities" that could have influenced the election result in a state, according to Barr's letter to prosecutors.

At the same time,

Willam Barr


that this authorization does not mean that his house currently has evidence of possible election fraud.

2020 US election: Willam Barr

Investigating possible pollutants in elections is usually the responsibility of the state authorities. 

However, William Barr

 now argued that it was never a "fixed rule".

The minister wrote that the federal prosecutors should investigate “serious accusations” “with great care”, while “flimsy, speculative, absurd or far-fetched” accusations should not give them any reason to investigate.

Following the publication of the letter, Richard Pilger resigned from his post as head of the Department of Justice Department responsible for prosecuting violations of voting rights.


Donald Trump does not want to admit his defeat in the 2020 US election.


2020 US election: Mitch McConnell speaks of "preliminary results"

The powerful Republican parliamentary group leader in the Senate also spoke up.

Mitch McConnell

spoke only of "preliminary results" of the election and defended the legal action against the election result: "President Trump has 100 percent the right to investigate allegations of irregularities and to examine his legal options." Should there be irregularities of any magnitude that affects the outcome of the election everyone should want this to come to light, McConnell said.

“A few” legal steps by the president would not mean “the end of the republic”.

Unlike the president, McConnell did not speak of “fraud” in the election.

Nevertheless, it was clear that

Donald Trump would

not initially have to fear any pressure from his allies in Congress.


Trump's spokeswoman

Kayleigh McEnany

insinuated in a press conference that the Democrats would approve of the fraud.

The TV broadcaster

Fox News *

, which has been on the President's side in recent years, then switched it off * because the allegations were not substantiated.

So far, only four Republican senators have congratulated

Joe Biden

on the election victory:

Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and Ben Sasse


They were previously known as deviants - and could play an important role for Biden as president if the Republicans were to keep control of the Senate.

(cs with dpa / afp)

* and * are part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © JOE RAEDLE / afp

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