The Limited Times

Britain records 27,301 new cases of Coronavirus, and Italy 40902

11/13/2020, 5:42:14 PM

London-Rome-Sana Britain today recorded 27,301 new cases of coronavirus and 376 deaths during the most recent hours


Today, Britain recorded 27,301 new cases of coronavirus and 376 deaths during the past twenty-four hours.

Reuters quoted the British Ministry of Health as saying that the total number of injuries in the country has so far risen to 1317,496, and the total deaths have risen to 51,304 cases.

In Italy, the Ministry of Health announced the registration of 40,902 new cases of the virus during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of infections to 1066,401 cases.

The ministry also reported 550 deaths, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to 44,139.

Northern Lombardy remained the region most affected by the virus, with 10,634 new cases recorded today.

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