The Limited Times

Fire in Yau Ma Tei | No fire-fighting equipment in a tenement building on fire, firefighters will inspect 2500 60-year old buildings

11/16/2020, 7:53:13 PM

A fire in a Nepalese restaurant in Yau Ma Tei yesterday (15) resulted in 7 deaths and 11 injuries. The fire site was a tenement building at No. 562 Canton Road. The building was 69 years old. It was issued by the Buildings Department two years ago. Inspected and repaired


Written by: Zhu Yashuang and Li Jingshan

2020-11-16 20:54

Last update date: 2020-11-16 23:29

A fire in a Nepalese restaurant in Yau Ma Tei yesterday (15) resulted in 7 deaths and 11 injuries. The fire site was a tenement building at No. 562 Canton Road. The building was 69 years old. It was issued by the Buildings Department two years ago. The obligation to inspect and repair" and the obligation to inspect and repair windows are required to perform building inspections and window inspections.

In addition, this tenement is also under the supervision of the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance and needs to improve fire safety.

At present, there are 13,500 buildings under the supervision of this ordinance in Hong Kong. The Fire Services Department and the Buildings Department have completed 70% of the inspections in 13 years. However, the fired tenement buildings have not yet been inspected, so no "Fire Safety Instructions" have been issued.

It is reported that there is no fire fighting equipment in the corridor of the tenement house, including fire extinguishers.

The fire alarm drew attention to the fire safety measures of old tenement buildings. The Chief Executive Carrie Lam asked the Fire Services Department and the Buildings Department to further strengthen inspections. The relevant departments will conduct special inspections on approximately 2,500 residential or commercial and residential buildings 60 years or older. Complete before the end of the year.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam (left) inspected the fire scene in Yau Ma Tei at about 8 am this morning.

(Photo by Cai Zhengbang)




In 13 years, about 70% of regulated buildings were inspected without inspections

The Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance (the "Ordinance") came into effect on July 1, 2007. It aims to raise the fire safety standards of private mixed-use and domestic buildings completed in 1987 or before.

At present, there are about 13,500 target buildings regulated by the Ordinance.

A spokesman for the Buildings Department stated that the building involved was a building completed in 1951 and was supervised by the "Ordinance", and fire safety needs to be improved.

Since the implementation of the Ordinance, the Fire Services Department and the Buildings Department have launched joint inspections of these target buildings in phases.

As of the end of October 2020, the two departments have completed inspections of 9,702 target buildings and will continue to conduct inspections.

According to records, the Fire Services Department and the Buildings Department have not yet launched a joint inspection of the building, so no "fire safety instructions" have been issued to the owner and/or occupier of the building.

To inspect about 2,500 residential or commercial and residential buildings 60 years old or above before the end of the year

The Fire Services Department and the Buildings Department will launch special inspections. The goal is to complete inspections of about 2,500 residential or commercial buildings (except buildings occupied by a single family) that are 60 years old or older by the end of this year. Pay special attention The public escape routes and whether the building has fire hazards.

The Buildings Department and Fire Services Department will take appropriate enforcement actions on violations as soon as possible based on the inspection results, information and evidence collected, and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, including prosecution against offenders to ensure fire protection and building safety.

In addition, the Fire Services Department will take the initiative to contact ethnic minorities and related groups in the area to learn about their gathering places, such as places where religious and cultural activities are held, conduct fire safety inspections, and educate relevant persons on correct fire safety knowledge, including how to prevent fires. Actions to be taken in the event of a fire, etc.

EMSD: There is no evidence that the fire was caused by an electrical accident

A spokesman for the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department said that after receiving notification from the Fire Services Department about the fire incident at Nos. 560 to 562 Canton Road, Yau Ma Tei, officers have been sent to the scene to conduct preliminary investigations.

After investigation, there is no evidence that the fire was caused by an electrical accident.

The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department has determined that the power supply of the relevant building has been isolated by the power company and there is no immediate electrical hazard in the building.

As the public utilities of the building and the fixed electrical installations in the units involved in the accident were burnt down, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department will issue an improvement notice to the owners in accordance with the Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406), requesting the owners to hire registered electrical contractors to inspect and maintain the public utilities of the building. And the fixed electrical installations in the relevant units can restore the power supply.

According to the records of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, there has been no complaint about electrical safety in the building involved in the past year.

The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department did not inspect the building involved in the past year.

The Chief Executive Carrie Lam said that the Fire Services Department and the Buildings Department have been requested to further strengthen inspections in response to the risks revealed by the fire to eliminate the serious threats to fire safety and protect the lives and property of citizens.

She also pointed out that the SAR government has always attached great importance to building fire safety, especially for buildings with high age but not up to the current standards. On the one hand, it hopes to enhance building fire safety and improve the living environment of residents through urban renewal and building rehabilitation; On the other hand, the Fire Services Department and the Buildings Department will inspect old buildings, request owners or occupiers to correct the defects and provide necessary assistance.

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