The Limited Times

12 Hong Kong people absconded|Yantian Public Security Bureau: Case investigation ended 12 people transferred to prosecution

11/28/2020, 3:13:37 PM

Twelve Hong Kong residents were intercepted by the Guangdong Coast Guard when they were suspected of absconding and leaving the country in August. The Yantian Branch of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau announced on Weibo this afternoon (27th) that the Yantian Branch had arrested Deng and Li and other 12 people who were suspected of organizing others to sneak over. Border, steal


Written by: Ling Yide

2020-11-27 16:27

Last update date: 2020-11-27 16:29

Twelve Hong Kong residents were intercepted by the Guangdong Coast Guard when they were suspected of absconding and leaving the country in August. The Yantian Branch of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau announced on Weibo this afternoon (27th) that the Yantian Branch had arrested Deng and Li and other 12 people who were suspected of organizing others to sneak over. The investigation of border and cross border cases was completed and transferred to the Yantian District People’s Procuratorate for review and prosecution.

(Picture on Weibo of Yantian Branch of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau)

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12 Hong Kong people absconded

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