The Limited Times

Jordan condemns attempt to set fire to church in Jerusalem Israel today

12/6/2020, 10:37:20 PM

| CriminalsA spokesman for the Bishops' Council in Israel thanked the "Palestinian neighbors who helped", called for punishing the suspect and said: "I am surprised that senior Israeli officials did not condemn the incident." Gat Shemanim Church in East Jerusalem, today Photography:  The District of Jerusalem Jordan condemns the attempted arson of the "Church of All Nations" in Jerusalem and calls on Is

A spokesman for the Bishops' Council in Israel thanked the "Palestinian neighbors who helped", called for punishing the suspect and said: "I am surprised that senior Israeli officials did not condemn the incident."

  • Gat Shemanim Church in East Jerusalem, today


    The District of Jerusalem

Jordan condemns the attempted arson of the "Church of All Nations" in Jerusalem and calls on Israel to "take punitive action against those actually responsible."

Wadia Abu Nassar, a spokesman for the Bishops' Council of Israel, said today (Saturday) that "this is a serious and shameful act.

We are full of gratitude and appreciation to the Palestinian neighbors of the church who helped put out the fire.

I am amazed that no senior Israeli official has yet condemned the incident and we demand that the president and prime minister condemn the arson of the church. "

Last night, an unusual incident occurred in the east of the city of Jerusalem, after a 49-year-old man apparently poured flammable material inside a winepress church and set fire to one of the benches there.

Four firefighters worked to put out the fire and ventilated the building.

Police forces who arrived at the scene arrested for questioning the suspect in the commission of the acts.

A statement from the police said that a 49-year-old man, a 49-year-old resident of the city, arrived at the synagogue in the afternoon and spilled flammable material and set it on fire.

As a result, one of the benches was slightly damaged and firefighters operating in the arena reported that a lot of smoke had accumulated in the church.

The Jerusalem police said that the guard at the scene identified what was happening, located the suspect in the acts and detained him until police arrived at the scene, and they, as stated, arrested him for further investigation.

A preliminary investigation by the Jerusalem Police about the incident and according to the details of the suspect in the commission of the acts, the presumption is strengthened that the background to the incident is criminal.

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