The Limited Times

Trump Attorney General William Barr resigns from office

12/14/2020, 11:46:45 PM

US Attorney General William Barr said he would resign next week, ending the term of a Trump loyalist.

(CNN) ––

The Secretary of Justice of the United States, William Barr, resigned this Monday, ending the term of an official loyal to President Donald Trump who carried the administration's message of "law and order."

But ultimately, Barr dealt the most credible blow to the president's unsubstantiated claims that the 2020 elections were riddled with fraud.

“I just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House.

Our relationship has been very good, he has done an excellent job!

According to a letter, Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family, "Trump tweeted Monday when announcing the news.

“Under Secretary Jeff Rosen, a prominent person, will become Acting Attorney General.

The highly respected Richard Donoghue will take over as Deputy Secretary of Justice.

Thank you all!".

Barr repeatedly and unapologetically prioritized Trump's political goals, while furthering the president's own vision of expansive presidential power.

In his most prominent decision, Barr delivered a misleading summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report.

Which essentially exonerated Trump in the Russia plot investigation and prompted a strong reprimand from Mueller himself.

Barr was firm in his support for the president heading into Election Day.

Even through the deployment of various operations throughout the country to combat violence and drug trafficking.

Also by reiterating Trump's message not to participate in voting by mail before the presidential elections.

Additionally, he appointed a special adviser to continue investigating one of Trump's old quirks - that intelligence and security forces broke the law by investigating the 2016 Trump campaign.

But the now-former Attorney General's decision to rebuke the president's false claims of alleged widespread fraud in his loss to Democrat Joe Biden represented a final failure of Trump's often-successful attempt to weaponize the Justice Department. personal and powerful politics.


After the 2020 election, Trump's legal team filed dozens of civil lawsuits in federal and state courts across the country.

This, in an effort to show that Biden did not win the election fairly.

Barr told the Associated Press in a Dec. 1 interview that the Justice Department had not found any such evidence.

"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have had a different outcome in the elections," he said.

The president was frustrated with his attorney general's comments, and had a protracted "contentious" meeting at the White House the day the interview was published, according to a person familiar with the meeting.

In early December, Barr was considering leaving office before January 20, the day Trump will step down as president, a source with knowledge of the matter told CNN days after he polished off the president's claims of voter fraud.

The source said Barr was not happy with Trump and that the official "is not someone who accepts harassment and turns the other cheek!"

Secretary of Justice William Barr

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