The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: 11,650 new cases and 151 deaths confirmed in the last 24 hours

12/29/2020, 10:19:42 PM

These are the latest figures reported by the Ministry of Health of the Nation. 12/29/2020 19:05 Clarí Society Updated 12/29/2020 19:05 On the day that the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus began in Argentina, the Ministry of Health reported that in the last 24 hours, 151 deaths and 11,650 new infections were registered throughout the country. On Monday it had reported that 28,978 tests were carried out and since the beginning of the outbreak there are 4,712

12/29/2020 19:05

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 12/29/2020 19:05

On the day that the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus began in Argentina, the Ministry of Health reported that in the last 24 hours, 151 deaths and 11,650 new infections were registered throughout the country.

On Monday it had reported that 28,978 tests were carried out and since the beginning of the outbreak there are 4,712,288 diagnostic tests for this disease, which is equivalent to 103,848 samples per million inhabitants.

Argentina began this Tuesday to vaccinate its population against the new coronavirus, with priority to the country's medical and nursing personnel, after the arrival last week of the first 300,000 doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.

"Today is a beautiful day for Argentines. It is a true epic to carry out the largest vaccination campaign in Argentina, with equity and equal rights," said the Minister of Health,

Ginés González García

, after starting the process in the Posadas Hospital of Buenos Aires.

The official stressed that vaccination is carried out "in an absolutely federal way, reaching the entire country simultaneously" and urged the population to maintain care and preventive measures, "until we achieve a high level of immunization" against the illness.


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Coronavirus vaccine: how long will it take to apply the 300 thousand doses of Sputnik and what comes next

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