The Limited Times

New Year's Eve weather: Extreme cold and permafrost - Russian cold pad with -57 degrees is rolling towards Europe

1/1/2021, 12:25:34 AM

Shortly before the turn of the year, the weather in Germany is relatively cold. On New Year's Eve it remains largely frost-free - however, the extreme cold is already in the starting blocks.

Shortly before the turn of the year, the weather in Germany is relatively cold.

On New Year's Eve it remains largely frost-free - however, the extreme cold is already in the starting blocks.

Stuttgart - The Wednesday before New Year's Eve starts with low temperatures in the plus area.

The weather in Germany is currently determined by a low pressure area over Central Europe, which brings mild polar air to us.

In the morning there is still ground frost in some areas - which can also lead to slippery roads.

However, as the day progresses, the frost continues to decrease.

New Year's Eve is still determined by ground frost, at least in the morning, with light snowfalls at high altitudes.

Otherwise, the last day of the year is frost-free, with temperatures in the low single-digit range.

A cold cushion over Russia is already in the starting blocks and could bring extreme cold and permafrost in January.

As BW24 * reports, a Russian pad of cold is rolling towards Europe at -57 degrees and brings extreme cold and permafrost.

Snow in Stuttgart is no longer to be expected this year (BW24 * reported).

In Germany, snowfall is particularly possible at altitudes above 600 meters.

* BW24

is part of the Ippen-Digital network


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