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Everything is different with New Year's jumping


On January 1st, 2021 it will be that time again: then the New Year's jumping in Garmisch-Partenkirchen will take place. But the second stop of the Four Hills Tournament will be completely different than usual.

On January 1st, 2021 it will be that time again: then the New Year's jumping in Garmisch-Partenkirchen will take place.

But the second stop of the Four Hills Tournament will be completely different than usual.

  • President of SC Partenkirchen in quarantine

  • Area around the stadium cordoned off

  • Event costs almost at the previous year's level

Garmisch-Partenkirchen - The

Helferfest is a hearty one.

The bars and pubs in the entire market are full of fans from all over the world who previously shouted “Ziehhhh” in the sold-out stadium.

Here and there groups stand together, chat, officials and organizers clap each other because they have once again successfully put this huge event off the ground.

It was nice.

And it would have been nice again on January 1st, 2021.

But this year everything is different.

The New Year's competition in Garmisch-Partenkirchen will be correspondingly different.

Michael Maurer has to watch the jumping at home

No helper party, no fans, no "Ziehhhh", no parties.

And now: no Michael Maurer.

The President of SC Partenkirchen and the head of the OK will not be there.

Of course, it's Corona to blame.

There were two positive cases in the family.

Maurer himself is symptom-free and will be tested again today.

But: Regardless of the result, he will watch the jump at home in front of the television.

That went beyond the spectrum of a normal sporting event. "

Michael Maurer, President of SC Partenkirchen

A New Year's jump in Corona times, and then the boss is also missing: How can that work?

“I'm not afraid at all,” emphasizes Maurer.

His statement is based on two factors.

For one thing, he is not solely responsible.

“A lot of people are involved and I have a good connection with them.” Maurer continues to work from the home office, making phone calls and diligently writing e-mails.

Point two: Maurer's work is practically done, only little things are left in the run-up to the second tour stop.

The majority was done in the past six months.

“That was an insane task.

That went beyond the spectrum of a normal sporting event. "

Routine for the devil

Sabrina Pieri, General Secretary and Maurer's representative in day-to-day operations, agrees: “I've been with us for 17 years now, but I can't remember such a year.

Since June there has been work to do jumping every weekend.

Because the routine from the past few years was for the devil. “Everything is different, and therefore everything has to be different at New Year's jumping.

The athletes' village now stands in the middle of the stadium in front of the Olympiahaus.

There is no grandstand or a VIP tent.

Doesn't need anything - no fans, no VIPs.

"Even if Mr. Söder wanted to come: He would have to watch the television", emphasizes Maurer.

BR sends only 5 employees instead of 70

The media are allowed to come, but they do so in significantly fewer numbers.

Bayerischer Rundfunk is represented by around 70 people in normal times, this year there are five.

The ORF sends 40 employees to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, on January 1, 2021 there will be only four.

Every area has been slimmed down.

“Everything is reduced to the bare minimum,” says Pieri.

That means in numbers: 180 helpers, 190 media representatives, 25 officials, plus athletes, trainers and supervisors.

Not more.

The SCP members have no chance of admission this time either.

Onlookers are also not allowed to watch the jumping live on site in the outdoor area.

The entire area around the stadium is cordoned off (see graphic).

In front of the access to the premises, stewards and the police will check.

This also applies to the meadows on the west side of the stadium.

"We are not concerned with the black audience, but with the fact that no groups should be formed", emphasizes press chief Hannes Krätz.


It doesn't go any further here: The red line marks the cordoned-off area that only people with an appropriate work card can enter.


It doesn't work out

After all, with all these restrictions, shouldn't the costs for the event be lower?

Not correct.

“Unfortunately, it doesn't work out.

Jumping won't be much cheaper this year than usual, ”says Pieri.

Among other things, the implementation of the hygiene concept costs between 40,000 and 50,000 euros.

However, Corona also gave the organizers a small advantage.

There was no need for a comprehensive traffic concept this year.

A blessing for the local residents.

But the overall view remains a bitter one.

Yes, the sport takes place.

However, all the trappings will be missing.

It won't be proper.

Maurer also regrets that.

“It's going to be weird.

Everyone will just go home and say: Pfiat eich. "

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-12-29

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