The Limited Times

According to media reports: Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf resigns

1/11/2021, 11:10:46 PM

Another Republican is leaving the Trump administration a few days before the change of power: Several US media reports on the resignation of the acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf.

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Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf

Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta / AP

In the midst of the turmoil following the attack on the Capitol by supporters of US President Donald Trump, the acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf also throws down.

Several US media unanimously reported on Monday evening that Wolf had announced his withdrawal internally.

There was initially no official statement.

The departure comes just days before the end of Trump's term in office.

Last week, Minister of Education Betsy DeVos and Minister of Transport Elaine Chao announced their early withdrawal and justified this explicitly with the attack on the Capitol.

Chao is the wife of the Senate Republican majority leader, Mitch McConnell.

One day after the storming of the Congress seat Trump "pleaded" to condemn the violence emphatically.

The violence was "tragic and disgusting".

The actions of some supporters of the President are "unacceptable".

Trump and all politicians must clearly condemn this, he demanded.

The outgoing Secretary of Homeland Security also spoke on Twitter on a completely different topic: the inauguration of Trump's successor Joe Biden.

Wolf said that in view of the latest events, the security service responsible for protecting the president, the Secret Service, will begin an intensified deployment phase on Wednesday.

Originally, the large-scale operation, combined with the closure of parts of downtown Washington, should not begin until January 19.

The Department of Homeland Security thus complied with a request from the mayor of the capital, Muriel Bowser.

Icon: The mirror

kfr / dpa

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