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1/15/2021, 12:56:00 PM

A little over a year after absorbing the greatest humiliation in history and leaving the Austrian as manager, the Saints surprise England | World football

A little over a year ago Southampton suffered one of the biggest humiliations in its history when they were defeated at home 9: 0 by Leicester • Instead of firing coach Ralph Hazenhotel the saints decided to keep him • Since the Austrian managed to turn his team into a Premier League surprise, The foxes

  • Hazenhotel is smiling.

    Happens quite a bit this season



October 25, 2019 will be remembered by Direon World as the blackest day in Southampton history.

The Saints hosted Leicester at St Mary's Stadium and suffered the highest loss ever at home - 9-0.

When it seemed that the man standing on the lines, Ralph Hazenhotel, would not survive the night, close to a year after arriving as a savior in place of Mark Hughes, the club captains decided very surprisingly, to give him the opportunity to mend.

15 months later, the 53-year-old Austrian turned the team into the surprise of the season so far in the Premier League. 

Instead of falling into black bile after the hard blow, Hazenhotel entered the office of chairman Martin Samans and assured him that things were going to change. Samans who replaced six coaches in 7 years relented and gave him the quiet. Already afterwards he returned from 3: 4: 3 which he Tried, to a 2-2-2-4 that brought him success in Ingolstadt and Leipzig in Germany, he instilled in his trainees the things he believes in - uncompromising aggression, a pressure game that requires a relentless run without a ball, steals in the opponent's half of the field and sending quick balls to attack as a defense Opposite untidy.

At the same time, he combined exercises that work on the friendship between them, asked them to have fun, laugh as much as possible, taught them piano and made them understand that each of them will have the opportunity.

It ended in 11th place last year and this year as mentioned the road is even more impressive.

The position in the table - 7 and a distance of 3 points from the place that leads to the Champions, is the result but the road is no less impressive.

"Even if you woke up my players at 3 in the morning after not training for three weeks they knew exactly what to do," he said.

Hazenhotel realized that he could not bring significant procurement to his team so he did everything to improve the existing one.

Danny Inges scored 7 goals and 3 assists in 13 appearances, Che Adams and James Ward-Fraus put together 8 goals and 8 assists and even Theo Walcott who already seemed to have his career on the last fuel vapor, experienced a renaissance at his youth club .

"His football is based on strength, power, and team spirit. The most important thing for him is that we be together," said the back contact, Oriol Romeo. 

But the Ezenhotel process did not stop only in the adult group.

The Austrian understood the power of the club academy, and took advantage of the corona break to write an identical work plan for all the youth departments.

Similar to the Red Bull corporation model, Hazenhotel wanted all ages to play in the same style.

So he collaborated with the coaches of the junior divisions, created instructional videos for them and even invited Carl Martin, the academy coach, for some training in the senior team.

"Will come to a huge club in the future"

The Austrian hopes a uniform language will help young players easily get into the deep water.

"This is the first time in my coaching career that I look at the bigger picture," he told Sky Sports. "In Germany I was just the coach, I concentrated on momentary success. As you get older, you get more responsibility and want to make as much impact as possible on the whole club."

Hazenhotel's highlight as the Saints' coach came in a win over Liverpool about two weeks ago, which made the manager feel like he fell to the ground at the end of the game and shed a happy tear.

After the game he explained that he got the proof that his players believe in his way, and run with him hand in hand towards a season that could become one of the greatest in the history of the club.

Since that victory over the Mighty Reds, his name has risen as a candidate for Borussia Dortmund and Chelsea.

It's not surprising that Francis Banali, who played 16 years at St. Mary's and worked at the academy: "His work ethic is not real. He is at the club for long hours, sending messages at odd hours, but he managed to buy them all. ".

Since that scarring encounter against Leicester, Hazenhotel has already met the Foxes again, defeating them 1: 2 and regaining some of his trampled dignity, but it is clear to him that this stain will be very difficult to erase, if at all.

At the same time, on Saturday he again has the opportunity to show what material he winks at.

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