The Limited Times

Yellow Pieces: Didier Deschamps in a clip full of humor with Brigitte Macron

1/17/2021, 6:23:07 PM

LE SCAN SPORT - The coach of the Blues, sponsor of the Yellow Piece operation, will be at Bullion pediatric and rehabilitation hospital this Monday with hospitalized children.

Every year at the same period, Didier Deschamps wets the jersey.

For a good cause.

Sponsor of the Yellow Pieces operation for the third year in a row, the Blues coach is expected in Bullion, in the Yvelines, to meet hospitalized children on Monday.

A week earlier, he recorded in Paris a video clip for the association, in the company of the First Lady, Brigitte Macron and Camille Combal, who has been making the buzz since Saturday evening on social networks.

"I became a sponsor for the 2019 campaign with Bernadette Chirac, I continue with Madame Macron," he smiles.

I adapt to his schedule, which is busier than mine.

When she feels I need to be there, I'm there. ”

 “There are a lot of raffles or whatever, I could do them every weekend, but it's not playable.

The media aspect today is very important, if I can do a little service with my notoriety, it is my duty.

It's part of my job. ”

Covid-19 crisis requires, the Yellow Pieces operation will not collect physical currency this year.

Monday, in contact with hospitalized children, the boss of the world champions will not shy away from his pleasure for an operation which aims to improve the daily life of these young people, to support families and nursing staff.

Today, more than 3,000 projects have seen the light of day thanks to the Yellow Pieces, but the project remains immense.

"I am still amazed and admiring," he plants.

They never complain when they could, given their situation and illness.

They give you a hell of a game.

When I see them, I'm not going to say it's violent, it doesn't put my feet back on the ground because I make sure to keep them, but it's a great example of life, of being positive.

It is a pleasure to be at their side (he is moved).

I am a father too.

When I see the parents with their child affected by a serious pathology, I cannot remain insensitive.

Yes, it touches me. "

At the meeting of the coach of the France team, the exchange always comes back to the same questions and comments.

“They talk to me especially about the players, they have eyes that shine, he jokes, aware of his past after his charges on the field.

It is a great pleasure to brighten up their day even for a few minutes. ”

The collection of Yellow Pieces is also going contactless.

To support hospitalized children and adolescents, donate € 5 by sending DONATION by SMS to 92 111 or on

- TF1 (@ TF1) January 16, 2021

A breeder in great demand to get involved with associations

22nd in the ranking of the 50 favorite personalities of the French, the one who was named best coach in the world by the IFFHS (International Federation of Football History & Statistics) for the second time in three years, Didier Deschamps turns out to be particularly in demand by the associative world.

His voice carries and his media coverage sheds light on a particular cause, but the latter agrees not to be able to respond favorably to all the steps.

And explains it.

“I don't disperse, I have a lot of requests but I can't say yes to everything.

It is impossible and necessarily, we are disappointed.

From the moment I accept, I want to do it thoroughly.

It is not a circumstantial yes. ”

Present at the end of December at a meeting to come to the aid of the victims of the Roya valleys (Alpes-Maritimes), he remains aware of having to give time, in view of his function as coach.

“I am very sensitive to causes that affect childhood.

There are a lot of raffles and things, I could do them every weekend, but it's not playable.

The media aspect today is very important, if I can do a little service with my notoriety, it is my duty.

It's part of my job. ”

To participate in the Yellow Pieces operation, follow this link

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  • Vaccine, Benzema controversy, culture of winning… The confidences of Didier Deschamps

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