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Trump in farewell speech from the White House: "We pray for the success of the new administration" | Israel today

1/19/2021, 9:37:32 PM

| United States The White House has released parts of a farewell speech the outgoing president is expected to make later in the day • "Now that I am preparing to transfer power to a new administration on Wednesday afternoon, I want you to know that the movement we formed is just beginning" • Trump boasted: "I am the first president not to start a new war. Decades " Trump issued a farewell speech Photography: 

The White House has released parts of a farewell speech the outgoing president is expected to make later in the day • "Now that I am preparing to transfer power to a new administration on Wednesday afternoon, I want you to know that the movement we formed is just beginning" • Trump boasted: "I am the first president not to start a new war. Decades "

  • Trump issued a farewell speech



Outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump released a video tonight (Tuesday) featuring his farewell speech. "We pray for the success of the new administration," the president said in a video released tonight by the White House. "This week we are swearing in a new administration and praying for its success in maintaining America's security and prosperity." , The president is seen saying in a video released by the White House.

In the speech, parts of which have been published so far, the president said: "Now that I am preparing to transfer power to a new administration on Wednesday afternoon, I want you to know that the movement we set up just at the beginning of its path has never been like it."

He further stressed that "the world values ​​us again. Do not lose that appreciation. We stood for America, and withdrew from the biased agreements that have never served us. And now NATO is paying hundreds of billions of dollars more, we have paid the burden of the world and now the world is paying us.

And we also rebuilt the US military. "

Trump counted some of his administration's great achievements during his tenure.

"We renewed our alliances and stood against China, destroyed the ISIS caliphate, stood against the oppressive Iranian regime and killed the number one terrorist, Qassem Suleimani," said the outgoing president, who immediately added that under the US government he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The Golan Heights, and we reached historic agreements in the Middle East - no one believed it could happen - The Abrahamic Agreements opened the door to harmony and peace, the dawn of a new Middle East.

I am the first president who has not started a new war in several decades. "

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