The Limited Times

Covid-19 in France: 356 new deaths in hospital and 22,858 contaminations in 24 hours

1/29/2021, 7:49:32 PM

3,120 patients are treated in intensive care, a figure that has been rising steadily for several days.

While the government is meeting to discuss new restrictions, Public Health France counts, this Friday, 356 new deaths linked to Covid-19.

These new deaths, recorded in hospitals, bring the total number of deaths in France to 75,620, including hospital deaths and 22,703 deaths in social and medico-social establishments (including nursing homes).

Since Tuesday, 464 victims of Covid have been identified in social and medico-social establishments.

At the hospital, 27,270 patients infected with the new coronavirus are currently being treated (compared to 27,128 Thursday and 25,872 last Friday), including 3,120 serious cases in the intensive care unit (compared to 3,101 Thursday, and 2,902 last Friday) .

Always a "rising plateau"

Santé Publique France also counts 22,858 new positive tests this Friday, against 23,770 Thursday, and 23,292 Friday.

A figure evoking a "rising plateau", commented the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, last Thursday.

As for vaccinations, the Directorate General of Health announces that 1,353,277 people have received a first injection in total in the territory since the start of the campaign at the end of December.

Even if it had some effectiveness in early January, Olivier Véran acknowledged this Thursday that the curfew would no longer be enough to stem the spread of the virus in France, suggesting that new restrictions are to be expected.

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A health defense council in a small committee was also stretched at 6 p.m. this Friday, after several consultations with Jean Castex and new updates on the health situation.

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