The Limited Times

Corona hammer in Bavaria: Söder announces new rules - curfew falls, hairdressers, schools, daycare centers open

2/16/2021, 9:16:41 PM

The corona lockdown in Germany has been extended - with some easing. The virus mutations continue to rage in the Bavarian border regions.

The corona lockdown in Germany has been extended - with some easing.

The virus mutations continue to rage in the Bavarian border regions.

  • On Thursday (February 11th) the Bavarian cabinet discussed concrete steps to open the Free State.

    It is now clear: some schools may reopen in February.

    (Update from February 11, 1:44 p.m.)

  • Prime Minister Markus Söder * also confirms that the curfew will be lifted if the incidence is below 100.

    (Update from February 11, 1.40 p.m.)

  • The Bavarian Trade Association wants to take the lockdown extension to court.

    (Update from February 11, 5:23 p.m.)

  • Border controls to the Czech Republic and Tyrol tightened again.

    (Update from February 11, 6:37 p.m.)

+++ This ticker has ended.

You can find the continuation here. +++

Update from February 12, 6:50 a.m.:

After the Bavarian cabinet decided on Thursday to extend the lockdown to March 7, the state parliament now has to agree.

In the special session on Friday (1 p.m.) it is not only about the extension, but also about any easing.

From February 22nd, elementary school students and special needs students are to go back to alternating classes, and the day-care centers are to gradually start operating again.

In addition, from March 1, the hairdressers and from February 22, the driving schools in the Free State should again be allowed to offer their services under hygiene requirements.

All relaxations should no longer apply from an incidence of 100 and higher.

Lockdown in Bavaria: Landtag decides on easing - opposition dissatisfied

With the new Infection Protection Ordinance coming into force on Monday, the nationwide exit restriction from 9 p.m. will also be significantly relaxed.

It is then only valid in hotspots from 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week and then only from 10 p.m.

The opposition is not satisfied with the decisions.

FDP parliamentary group leader Marti Hagen spoke of "disappointment".

SPD parliamentary group leader Horst Arnold meanwhile has no prospects for other areas such as culture, sport and retail.

Update from February 11, 6:37 p.m.:

The fear of the coronavirus mutations * is great.

And a spread in Germany should be prevented at all costs.

But especially around Bavaria, the Corona variations are already raging in Tyrol and the Czech Republic.

That is why the Federal Ministry of the Interior classified the two regions as virus mutation areas on Thursday.

Therefore, new entry restrictions apply.

The border controls are also to be tightened again.

Interior Minister Seehofer (CSU) told the

Süddeutsche Zeitung

: "The Free State of Bavaria and the Free State of Saxony today asked the federal government to classify Tyrol and areas of the Czech Republic near the border as virus mutation areas and to carry out stationary border controls."

So far, no neighboring country in Germany has been classified as a virus mutation area.

For the Czech Republic and Tyrol * as well as for already existing mutation areas such as Great Britain, this means that only Germans or foreigners with residence in Germany are allowed to enter.

There are also special rules for medical staff, transit passengers and the movement of goods.

Travelers from the high-risk area of ​​the Czech Republic had to submit a negative Corona test * beforehand.

Now the entry requirements have been tightened again.

Corona: The Czech Republic seals off its border areas

According to Markus Söders (CSU), the more contagious coronavirus variant * from Great Britain has already gained the upper hand among commuters from the Czech Republic in some eastern Bavarian regions.

The proportion of the mutated variant is already 40 to 70 percent in positive cases of commuters from the Czech Republic.

The neighboring country now also wants to seal off its border areas from the outside world.

Journeys to or from the affected areas are only permitted in exceptional cases, said the Czech Minister of Health Jan Blatny in Prague.

The automotive industry in particular is concerned about a complete border closure.

"Our industry is dependent on the daily deliveries from the plants in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and many other countries in Southern and Eastern Europe," said the President of the Association of the German Automotive Industry (VDA), Hildegard Müller.

“If deliveries are interrupted, most of the plants here in Germany will be shut down for a short time.

The association suggested checking the test and registration requirements for all drivers to guarantee delivery traffic and containment of the mutant virus ”.

Corona in Bavaria: Trade is taking legal action against the lockdown extension

Update from February 11th, 5:23 pm:

After the "keep it up" in the matter of corona lockdown, which was decided at the Prime Minister's Conference on Wednesday (February 10th), criticism has risen from the Bavarian retail sector.

The anger is so great that you want to go to court now.

The Bavarian Trade Association (HDE) speaks of “a declaration of bankruptcy by politics”.

It is incomprehensible to the sales representatives that "you can have a new perm for two hours in the hairdressing salon, but the dealers have to remain closed because of the allegedly high risk of infection," said HDE spokesman Bernd Ohlmann on Thursday.

Therefore, the judiciary should now deal with the matter.

“We don't want any extra sausage, just equal opportunities.” The anger runs deep at the HDE.

The federal government and the federal states had met again for hours "in order to then simply extend the best-before date of the lockdown in a practiced manner," criticized the HDE.

The politicians had lowered the incidence of easing in a coup from 50 to 35, which had been held up for months, and broke their promises.

This incidence value will only be attainable in a few months, because politicians “have failed terribly” when it comes to procuring vaccines.

And Ohlmann continues: “The retail trade is not only disappointed, but also outraged by this unprecedented audacity.

No retailer could run his business with such a lack of prospects and despondency. "

Corona in Bavaria: Consultant in the Bavarian Ethics Council kicked out

The TUM professor for business ethics, Christoph Lütge, was part of the Bavarian Ethics Council for less than half a year.

Now he was being complimented out.

The Bavarian State Chancellery confirmed this on request.

The "repeated public statements by Professor Lütge" are "inconsistent with the responsible work in the Ethics Council," a spokeswoman is quoted as saying.

It is likely, however, that the 51-year-old's continued criticism of the Council of Ministers and Prime Minister Markus Söder's corona policy was the reason for the expulsion.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: curfew if the incidence falls below 100

Update from February 11, 3:24 p.m.:

After Markus Söder's press conference it is clear: Despite the lockdown extension until March 7, people in Bavaria can look forward to easing.

From March 1st, the hairdressing salons in the Free State are allowed to reopen.

In regions with a 7-day incidence below 100, the curfew will be lifted from next Monday.

From February 22nd, some schools will gradually start alternating classes.

An overview of the new corona rules in Bavaria can be found here.

Corona in Bavaria: vaccination appointment agreement should be improved

2:25 p.m.:

The press conference is over.

2:16 pm:

Holetschek on vaccination: "We are constantly working on improvements".

So far you could only register for a vaccination appointment with a single email.

According to Holetschek, this inconvenience should be "eliminated this week".

2:13 p.m.:

Health Minister Klaus Holetschek is now speaking.

Corona in Bavaria: test center slots planned for students and teachers

2:13 p.m.:

In schools, teachers are to be provided with medical masks.

In addition, there is a test strategy, said Piazolo.

For this purpose, so-called “test center slots” will be set up for students and teachers “so that they can safely go to class”.

In the first step, you cannot bring all students back at once.

That is why they first looked at the little ones, because there the burden for parents is particularly great, explains Piazolo.

Graduating classes like the Q11 are also in view.

"We have perspectives, but it would be dishonest now to set up further concrete timetables." Here one must look at the further development of the infection. 

2:09 p.m.:

From February 22nd, some students will come back from distance classes.

“It will take place in alternating lessons,” explains Piazolo.

Classes should then take place where a safety distance of 1.5 meters is possible.

“There will be a phase of arrival,” said Piazolo.

This means that the students should be given enough time to get back to school. 

2:06 p.m

.: "The Corona numbers show: The tough weeks have been worth it," said Piazolo.

The goal has not yet been achieved, but breaking the curve has already shown success.

With regard to the upcoming school openings, health continues to have top priority in the crisis.

Piazolo: "That's why we do everything we can to uphold health as well as education."

Corona in Bavaria: hairdresser openings - Aiwanger emphasizes the importance of the craft

2:05 p.m.:

Now Minister of Culture Michael Piazolo speaks.

2:04 p.m.:

Many people would have liked more openings, "but the numbers are going in the right direction".

“We can definitely see light at the end of the tunnel.

Hold on so that we can get out of this Corona number in spring, ”appeals Aiwanger.

2 p.m.:

The hairdressers open on March 1st, show the importance of the craft, Aiwanger said.

"I hope that the companies will hold out for two more weeks - and not slip into illegal work." They have also found "a proper solution" for students and parents.

Aiwanger: "I'm just as happy that we can give the driving schools a solution." From February 22nd, driving tests should be possible again. 

1.57 p.m.:

Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger is now speaking.

Corona lockdown in Bavaria: Söder wants to give culture "a long-term perspective"


"In view of the borderline situation and the mutation, I


us to just take a step slower," said Söder.

Decisions like today are not easy for anyone, the Prime Minister emphasizes.

"Thanks again to everyone who has done so well so far." Söder admits that the government has also made mistakes since the outbreak of the Corona crisis.

"But what made this coalition stand out: In the basic assessment, we had a good mix between heart and mind." 

1:52 p.m.:

Now Söder is talking about the high corona numbers in Tyrol and the Czech Republic, with regard to the Bavarian border regions.

"We assume that the federal government is carefully considering how to deal with the Czech Republic and Tyrol." The probability is high that these will be declared a mutation area.

In this case, entry is only allowed with a negative test.

"This can significantly improve our security," says Söder.

In this case, he suggests stationary border controls. 

1:49 p.m.:

From March 3, one will consider how to continue with the trade, so Söder.

“We will extend our Bavarian program for solo self-employed persons until the summer.

Also with the aim that artists have a long-term perspective. "

Corona easing in Bavaria: hairdressers are allowed to reopen - schools are starting alternating classes

1:47 p.m.:

From March 1, the hairdressers in Bavaria should also reopen, Söder clarifies - regardless of the respective corona incidence. 

1:46 p.m.:

The Bavarian government has decided on a similar regulation for daycare centers.

“With an incidence of 100, emergency care remains,” says Söder.

If the incidence is lower, openings should follow gradually.

1.44 p.m.:

Parents and children face a particular challenge in the crisis, emphasizes Söder.

“What unites us and what we want: The school must not be a test laboratory”.

It must be made clear that the protection of students and teachers is very important.

At the same time, schools were a source of corona infection.

Nevertheless, it is important to maintain the quality of education, accept possible damage to the smaller ones and try to improve.

"The distance lessons will be continued," clarifies Söder.

However, February 22nd will be considered as the date for gradual openings.

Graduating classes from Realschule, Bos and Mittelschule should start alternating lessons from this point in time - but only in regions with an incidence of less than 100. The same applies to primary schools. 

Corona lockdown: curfew in Bavaria lifted - but an incidence of less than 100

1.36 p.m.:

Söder sees a specific danger of the mutations in the fact that, for example, the South African variant is not only highly contagious, but also that the effectiveness of the vaccines is no longer certain there.

It is therefore crucial to recognize the risk of mutation "and to think carefully about how things will continue in the next few weeks".

It is therefore important that the total numbers in Bavaria are low, emphasizes Söder.

Video: Listen to the whole press conference

Corona lockdown: "The situation in Bavaria has improved significantly," emphasizes Söder

1:34 p.m.:

All of this shows that the corona measures decided in Bavaria are correct.

Even if the situation in Bavaria is stressful, Söder admits.

"Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have not been one of those who underestimated this pandemic," said Söder.

He is also alluding to the risk of corona mutations. 

1:31 p.m .:

"Good news: the situation has improved significantly for Bavaria", with these words Söder begins the press conference.

The corona numbers in the Free State have improved significantly since December.

The number of infections had "been reduced by up to 90 percent".

Söder: “The numbers in Bavaria are falling every day.

And it could be that they may even fall below 50 across Bavaria in February or March. " 

1.30 p.m.:

The press conference begins.

1.40 p.m .:

“We broke the second wave, but we shouldn't stumble into the third wave carelessly,” appeals Söder.

According to the Prime Minister, the curfew has proven to be "extremely effective".

“That is why the intervention was important and necessary.” Although the numbers in Bavaria are developing positively, “we decided today not to simply abolish the curfew”.

In plain language, this means: where there is an incidence of less than 100 in Bavaria, the curfew will be lifted from Monday.

In all regions with a value above 100, the curfew continues to apply from 10 p.m. 

Update 1:23 p.m.:

The press conference in the foyer of the Prinz-Carl-Palais begins in a few minutes.

There Markus Söder will announce the concrete opening steps for Bavaria.

Corona in Bavaria: First details leaked - curfew should be lifted, schools reopen

Update from February 11, 12.50 p.m

.: The Bavarian cabinet is


meeting on how to proceed in the Corona crisis.

It is about the implementation of the rules decided on Wednesday at the federal-state meeting.

According to information from Münchner Merkur, the general 9 p.m. curfew should fall.

It should therefore remain from an incidence of over 100 - but only after 10 p.m.

Schools are expected to partially reopen on February 22nd.

Specifically, that means: elementary schools switch to alternate classes.

Graduating classes as well, provided the incidence is below 100 - otherwise, it remains with distance teaching.

Daycare centers also open from February 22nd.

Parents who leave their children at home receive a grant.

From circles of the Free Voters it is said that they are satisfied: "More was not possible so far." With the 35 plan for retail there is now at least one perspective.

The Merkur commentary on the Corona summit:

Lockdown without goal and end: Dangerous Merkel-Söder course - the plan left speechless *

Update from February 11, 11.50



The Munich infectiologist Clemens Wendtner considers the continuation of the lockdown to be correct.

Before loosening on a larger scale, the numbers would have to drop even further, as the chief doctor of the Infectious Disease Clinic in Schwabing



German Press Agency (dpa)


In addition to the incidence, it is necessary to look at other values, especially the reproduction value, i.e. the number of new infections per infected person.

"We are good, but we must not gamble away what we have achieved," said Wendtner, referring to the virus mutants.

He favors a seven-day incidence of 25 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants as a prerequisite for further openings.

The incidence of 35 he is now aiming for is "very acceptable", but combined with a reproduction value of at most 0.7 - "better would be smaller".

That could be enough to protect against a big third wave.

At the same time, however, vaccination must continue under high pressure.

Germany has to become even faster here.

Munich infectiologist makes it clear: No-Covid strategy is not realistic for Germany

He believes the no-covid strategy, which aims to achieve an incidence of zero with a radical lockdown, is not realistic in this country - especially in winter.

“Germany is a country in the middle of Europe and a transit country.” In New Zealand and Australia, where this approach worked, the conditions were different.

Today the Bavarian cabinet is advising on the implementation of the corona measures in the Free State.

You can follow the press conference from 1.30 p.m. here in the live stream and ticker.

You can find an overview of the applicable rules in Bavaria in our overview. *

Corona virus in Europe: the Czech Republic seals off the region on the Bavarian border

Update from February 11, 10:02 a.m.:


corona virus is

rampant in Europe.

Bavaria's neighboring country, the Czech Republic, has been particularly hard hit by the pandemic.

Prime Minister Markus Söder had therefore no longer ruled out a border closure.

"Should the Czech Republic not be able to extend its emergency measures, then it must be clear that the Czech Republic is a mutation area and then the border closure must also be an issue," said the CSU boss on Wednesday evening in ZDF-heute-journal ( see first report).

Border closings with Austria are not off the table either.

In the meantime, the Czech Republic has also reacted to the high number of cases and seals off three border districts from the outside world.

Those who live there are no longer allowed to leave the respective district, said Health Minister Jan Blatny on Thursday in Prague.

Outside people would not be allowed in either.

The districts of Cheb (Eger) and Sokolov (Falkenau) on the border with Bavaria and Trutnov (Trautenau) in the border triangle with Poland and Saxony are affected.

In these areas, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants is three to four times as high as in other parts of the country.

The measures should come into force on Friday night.

The police will control the access roads, as the Minister of Health announced.

Exceptions apply, among other things, to the way to work.

Written evidence must be submitted for this.

Transit without stopping is still allowed.

Corona lockdown extended: when will openings in Bavaria follow?

Söder does not rule out certain measures

First report from February 11, 6.26 a.m .:

Munich - The Corona * lockdown in Germany was extended to March 7.

How is it going specifically in Bavaria?

When are there openings?

The Bavarian cabinet wants to provide answers to these questions on Thursday.

After Corona summit with Merkel and lockdown extension: Bavarian cabinet advises

After the federal-state summit with Chancellor Angela Merkel * on Wednesday, the Bavarian cabinet wants to decide on specific opening dates for schools and daycare centers in the Free State on Thursday (11 a.m.).

According to reports, the coalition committee has previously discussed this.

Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU *) had left the times and individual opening steps completely open at the press conference in the evening.

He said, however, that Bavaria will be "rather cautious and cautious" compared to other countries - so it seems that the first openings at least for next Monday seem to be ruled out.

The next Wednesday was the earliest possible date.

Lockdown extension: what's next in Bavaria's schools?

Will the night curfew remain?

Primary and special school pupils as well as the final classes of all types of schools should have priority when returning to schools.

All in all, it will probably amount to changing classes for a longer period of time.

So far, only the final years at grammar schools and vocational schools have been allowed to return to face-to-face teaching.

The curfew at night in Bavaria could soon be a thing of the past - at least outside of real Corona * hotspots.

So far, people in the Free State are no longer allowed on the street after 9 p.m. without good reason.

In the neighboring state of Baden-Württemberg, a state-wide night curfew was recently overturned by the court.

As a result, the Landtag FDP in Bavaria announced a lawsuit should the state government continue to adhere to the controversial rule.

Söder's coalition partner, the Free Voters, also recently called for an end to the nationwide regulation, which was introduced with significantly higher corona numbers than today.

The federal and state governments decide to extend the lockdown: Next opening steps from 35 incidence

At the Corona summit on Wednesday, the federal and state governments decided to continue on a cautious course in the Corona * pandemic, despite falling numbers.

They agreed to extend the applicable measures such as contact restrictions and the closure of restaurants and hotels until March 7th.

The next opening steps could be when the so-called seven-day incidence * of new infections is stable below 35.

There should be an exception beforehand for hairdressers: These should be allowed to open again from March 1, subject to strict hygiene requirements.

Corona in Europe: Söder does not rule out measures - are border closings coming?

CSU boss Söder did not rule out closing the border with the Czech Republic as a measure against the spread of the virus. “If the Czech Republic is not in a position to extend its emergency measures, then it must be clear that the Czech Republic is a mutation area, and then that too Closing the border will be an issue, ”said Söder on Wednesday evening in the ZDF-heute-journal.

The same applies to Austria.

"We are very insecure in Austria," said Söder.

The government in Vienna has imposed quarantine measures in the state of Tyrol, which is badly affected by the South African virus variant.

"In Tyrol, so you hear, nobody cares," said Söder.

"I'm worried that there is a risk of a second Ischgl."

(Kam / dpa) * is part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.

In the 

meantime, Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger has also commented on the resolutions of the summit in the


policy magazine “Kontrovers”.

He is not satisfied with the Bavarian state government's corona strategy.

List of rubric lists: © Peter Kneffel / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk

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