The Limited Times

The True Politicization of the Corona Plague Israel today

2/22/2021, 10:10:21 PM

| political In March 2020, Israel, like the rest of the world, experienced a colossal threat. The opposition is using the new situation. Opposition leader Lapid Photo:  Knesset Spokeswoman / Amos Ben Gershom What is it, for God's sake? How is it that a really large group of citizens who have not yet been vaccinated refuse to take part in this redemptive process? It is clear of course that this debate doe

In March 2020, Israel, like the rest of the world, experienced a colossal threat.

  • The opposition is using the new situation.

    Opposition leader Lapid


    Knesset Spokeswoman / Amos Ben Gershom

What is it, for God's sake?

How is it that a really large group of citizens who have not yet been vaccinated refuse to take part in this redemptive process?

It is clear of course that this debate does not apply to conspiracy theorists, opponents of vaccines in peacetime, believers in rabbis and sorcerers and cloudy and other lunatics.

I ask about the normative citizen, all the masses who just want "the right to ask questions".

Who only refuse to be "forced on them."

Who just want to "wait for the first wave to see what the side effects are."

All of these - what happened to them?

Where did the legitimacy come from in their hearts to retire from the public at this time and delay in their bodies the end of the nightmare?

In two of the Israeli wars, a unity government was formed, and representatives of the opposition were invited to take part in the leadership.

In other wars, even those that took place during bitter political conflicts, the opposition or parts of it provided a safety net for the government.

Every Israeli is familiar with the term "this is not the time for politics", and in general ever since when the guns thundered the campaigns were silent.

In March 2020, Israel, like the rest of the world, experienced a colossal threat, which even if it did not eliminate it and undermine its very existence, could have caused a catastrophe of an existential scale.

The corona comes laden with mystery and is unknown.

And the innocent citizen looked up to the government, which acted in full force, in my opinion in the best and most responsible way, but then he noticed, consciously or unconsciously, an amazing statistic: he sees that the political agenda continues as it should.

Archive photo: From Yair Lapid's Facebook page

He sees the elections, the demonstrations, the opposition, which not only does not create its weapons and provides a safety net, but continues its attacks and even uses the new situation.

And what the citizen understands from the whole situation, is that the corona is not such a big and complicated thing.

I mean, it's clear to him that it's unpleasant, that people are dying, etc., but he understands that "war is not."

How does he understand?

Because in war there is no opposition.

When there is an existential situation, there are no demonstrations and no stickers.

Waiting for the guns to fire.

Opposition leaders could not resist

This corona suffered from the first moment of a trust problem.

It is difficult to market decrees and bans to the public when the corona deniers are sitting on television.

But the government would have overcome this crisis.

Trust was a laborious concept, and eventually the people sitting in isolation would move as one body and defeat, through vaccines of course, the virus. 

But then came politics.

Every election campaign, every demonstration, every campaign, every media scuffle has harmed the natural existential instinct of union against a common enemy.

Even so, we defeat the Corona, thank God and Gd, but with toil and sweat and gnashing of teeth. This could have been Israel's beautiful year, but opposition leaders could not resist continuing their political journey, to which of course the coalition leaders were drawn - Tremendous and immense damage. 

Do Israelis refuse to get vaccinated because they do not believe in the government?

Not sure.

Among those who refuse vaccinations, there are many who support the government.

Do Israelis allow themselves to retire from the public because of the political conflict that has swept the streets and taught them that we are not in a time of national emergency?

One hundred percent sure.

This is the real politicization of the corona.

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