The Limited Times

300 deaths and more than 9 thousand new cases of corona were recorded in Germany

3/10/2021, 8:25:52 AM

Capitals-SANA Germany recorded 9,146 new cases of coronavirus during the past twenty-four hours. According to


Germany recorded 9,146 new cases of coronavirus during the past twenty-four hours.

According to data from the German Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases, the total number of HIV infections in the country reached two million and 518,591 cases, while the total number of deaths reached 72,489 after 300 new deaths were recorded.

In China, the National Health Commission announced the registration of five new HIV infections on the mainland, all of them imported, bringing the total number of infections to 90007, while the number of deaths remained the same at 4,636.

In turn, South Korea recorded 470 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the total number of infections to 93,733, while the total deaths reached 1648, after three new deaths were recorded.

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