The Limited Times

Real estate: borrowers are smiling again

3/27/2021, 12:52:29 PM

Despite the health crisis, mortgage rates are close to their all-time low. And the granting conditions have been relaxed.

Used to hearing that mortgage rates are low, the French will end up believing that they will soon go up.

Let them be reassured: it is not for now.

Despite the health crisis, borrowing is still interesting.

All durations combined, the rates are on average at 1.14%, very close to their historic low (1.11%).

But, to hope to obtain a mortgage, it is often necessary to show a white paw.

Because the task is becoming more complicated for the sectors (catering, events or even aeronautics) which have taken the health crisis head-on.

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Relaxation of grant conditions

The best profiles can expect a rate of around 1%, or even around 0.8%, if their record is very good.

The first (slight) increases, averaging 0.1%, were recorded in March.

Does this bode well for a sustainable rise in rates?

“Nothing indicates that this is the beginning of a general movement

, analyzes Julie Bachet, general manager of Vousfinancer, mortgage broker.

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