The Limited Times

Vaccination for people from 55 to 59 years old with risk factors: what certificate must be presented in the City

5/17/2021, 10:18:03 PM

A doctor must prove the prevailing health condition or disease. The list of accepted reasons.

05/16/2021 12:01

  • Clarí

  • Cities

Updated 05/16/2021 12:01 PM

On these days, the registration will be opened in the City of Buenos Aires for the vaccination against the coronavirus of

people between 55 and 59 years old with risk factors


The exact date depends on the amount of vaccines that are arriving in the country and that are destined for Capital.

To save time, it is important to

obtain a certificate that proves the prevalent health condition or disease


The immunization campaign for the population aged 18 to 59 with risk factors will be

simultaneous to that of strategic personnel

, which includes security forces, firefighters, personnel from emergency and human development areas, teachers and non-teachers, among others. .

Between both groups (Stage 4 and Stage 5) there are around 275,000 people, according to official information: 130,000 are strategic personnel and

145,000 are people between the ages of 18 and 59 with risk factors


As is happening among adults over 60 years of age, registration will be segmented by five years:

the first to register will be those between 55 and 59 years of age


The population with risk factors in the City is 145,000 people.

Photo Andrés D'Elía

The requirements to sign up

What are the requirements to sign up?

At the time of registration online or through 147,

a sworn statement

will have to be made



a medical certificate or proof

will have to be






, the City Ministry of Health explained that there is no single model for this certificate.

Simply, it is necessary for a doctor to prove the prevalent disease or condition of the person requesting to be vaccinated.

"Evidence must be

given of the underlying disease,

" they explained from Health.

And they confirmed to


that the certificate can be physical or electronic.

"It is not specified, it is indistinct," they assured. 

Before vaccination, a certificate must be presented indicating the prevalent condition or disease.

Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

Risk factors for which children under 60 may be vaccinated in the City

Since the National Vaccination Plan began, the list of risk factors has been modified.

For example, last week the Ministry of Health of the Nation incorporated cancer patients, those with active tuberculosis and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The list of risk conditions or chronic diseases prioritized for this vaccination stage, as detailed on the Buenos Aires government website, is as follows:

- Obesity:

body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 kg / m2.


Cardiovascular disease:

heart failure, coronary heart disease, valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathy, pulmonary hypertension.

- Moderate or severe respiratory



chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, severe asthma.

- Diabetes

- Chronic Kidney Disease:

including people on chronic dialysis.

- Cirrhosis

- People with acquired immunosuppression


- Transplanted:

people with solid organ transplants and people on the transplant waiting list.

- Oncological and oncohematological patients with recent diagnosis or active disease:

less than one year from diagnosis, current treatment or having received immunosuppressive treatment in the last 12 months, relapsing or uncontrolled disease.

- Active tuberculosis:

new cases or relapse, diagnosed in the last 12 months.

- People with Down Syndrome

- Intellectual and developmental



that disables the individual capacities to execute, understand or sustain personal care measures over time to avoid the contagion or transmission of Covid 19;

and / or people who are institutionalized, in homes or long-term residences;

and / or require professional home care or home hospitalization.

How it is organized in Province 

In the Province, residents with pre-existing diseases have the possibility of registering since December.

The procedure is simple.

You have to enter the official website and complete the identity data;

residence, how the population group to which it belongs prefer to be contacted.

In this case,

the risk group between 18 and 59 years old


The registration on the VacunatePBA page already constitutes an affidavit.

But people must also present a certificate proving their disease or condition before getting vaccinated.

The Tecnópolis vaccination center.

Photo Andrés D'Elía

According to data from the provincial Ministry of Health -updated to May 11- first doses of the vaccine have been applied in

40.07% of people between 50 and 59 years old with comorbidities.

So far they have vaccinated 179,805 out of a total of 448,752 registered.

In the age group 40 to 49 years, the percentage of people with risk factors vaccinated is lower: 20.33%.

They are 56,055 out of a total of 275,679 registered.


Look also

The City will open vaccination for people between 55 and 59 years old with risk factors

Vaccines: Vizzotti said they negotiate "with all the laboratories", with no news about an agreement with Pfizer

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