The Limited Times

Covid: in Brazil 1,148 deaths in 24 hours, average infections drop

8/13/2021, 12:12:32 PM

Brazil has recorded another 1,148 coronavirus-related deaths in the last 24 hours, raising the total death toll since the start of the pandemic to 566,896. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BRAZIL, AUGUST 13 - Brazil has recorded another 1,148 deaths related to the coronavirus in the last 24 hours, raising the total number of victims since the beginning of the pandemic to 566,896.

    The National Council of State Secretaries for Health (Conass) also reported that the total number of infected persons rose to 20,285,067, including 39,982 new cases reported in the last 24 hours.

    The average number of infected was 31,229 per day in the past week, the lowest number since November 25 last year.


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