The Limited Times

Flood victims again: after a super cell discharge, the damage to a family runs into the five-figure range

8/13/2021, 2:57:32 PM

A super cell with hail and heavy rain discharged over Königsdorf. And the Weinbuchner family's house was drowned - again. You feel left alone.

A super cell with hail and heavy rain discharged over Königsdorf.

And the Weinbuchner family's house was drowned - again.

You feel left alone.

Königsdorf - One of the properties of water is that it flows from top to bottom following gravity.

In Königsdorf, which is enthroned so picturesquely on an Ice Age moraine hill, this physics increasingly causes problems during heavy rain events: The water that the sealed soil no longer absorbs then spills into many houses.

There are some tricky residential areas in the municipality, and Georg and Monika Weinbuchner are literally in deep trouble.

The area slopes down on all four sides towards your courtyard at Osterhofener Straße 26.

When the sky opens its sluices wide, the water gathers in this depression - the last time it happened on the evening of July 25th.

Supercell did enormous damage

On that Sunday a super cell with hail and heavy rain discharged over parts of Königsdorf (we reported).

“We were under water in a surreal and fast manner within minutes,” says Georg Weinbuchner.

“We have already flooded five or six times in the past ten years,” his wife adds.

This time the floods penetrated the house through the cellar shafts, and in the basement the water was almost two meters high.

The windows, the sauna, hobby room, heating, the laundry room with the electrical appliances, but also things of ideal value such as family albums and old books - everything has been destroyed.


House in the lake: Georg Weinbuchner shows how high the water was in front of the door during the storm on June 25th.

© Sabine Hermsdorf-Hiss

The water developed an enormous force, tore out a door frame and turned a 350 kilogram pool table over like a sheet of styrofoam. The hail insurance appraiser, who took a look into the basement, estimated the damage to be “50,000 euros plus x”, says Weinbuchner. He has to shell out this sum out of his own pocket, because the hail insurance company does not apply here. “And unfortunately nobody insures us against natural hazards in this residential area.” Doubly tragic: the 58-year-old ordered eight completely sealable cellar shaft covers for 20,000 euros. They were only delivered and installed two weeks after the storm. Apart from the financial damage, the stress on the nerves is immense: "This is no longer life," says Weinbuchner, caressing his wife's shoulder."Moni is now starting to tremble when dark clouds appear in the sky."

Also read: The super cell over Königsdorf was so intense

The willingness to help was overwhelming

Many people helped the family in the first difficult days.

"The fire brigade with 20 men did a great job," says Monika Weinbuchner.

Despite a family celebration, the electrician came at 6 p.m. and didn't leave until 1.30 a.m. - when the family had electricity again.

A sanitary company from Otterfing, who had been contacted by a fire fighter, provided emergency heating - free of charge.

Complete strangers asked if they could help.

Even holiday guests - the couple rents two holiday apartments - did not let themselves be deterred from coming and tidied up with them.

"Only nothing came from the community, nothing at all."

Family is safe: the community is primarily to blame for the misery

According to the Weinbuchners, this is the main culprit for the misery. They built the house in 1990 - and raised it by 30 centimeters compared to their parents' house, which they then demolished. Even higher, they weren't allowed to do that. "Incidentally, there were never any problems with flooding in the old house," asserts the 58-year-old. The problem only became more serious with the construction of Osterhofener Strasse 20 years ago. At the time, Weinbuchner urged “that the road should be lowered 30 centimeters so that I would not have any problems here. But there was nothing to be done. ”For about ten years, a 30 centimeter high concrete wall across from his courtyard has separated the street from a new housing estate.“ That made it really bad ”.Like a dam, the wall guides the floods pouring down from the east and west onto the Weinbuchners' property. As a result, the water does not only run through the cellar shafts, but also through the - elevated - front door into the apartment. Something else annoys the 58-year-old: he had to shell out 20,000 euros for the construction of Osterhofener Strasse as part of the road development contribution statute still in force at the time, “and this contribution actually includes a functioning street drainage system. The community is solely responsible for this, not we residents. "He had to shell out 20,000 euros for the construction of Osterhofener Strasse as part of the road development contribution statutes still in force at the time, “and this contribution actually includes a functioning street drainage system. The community is solely responsible for this, not we residents. "He had to shell out 20,000 euros for the construction of Osterhofener Strasse as part of the road development contribution statutes still in force at the time, “and this contribution actually includes a functioning street drainage system. The community is solely responsible for this, not we residents. "


Monika Weinbuchner in the destroyed cellar, which was flooded up to a meter and a half.

© Sabine Hermsdorf-Hiss

Mayor Rainer Kopnicky and managing director Andreas Baumann looked at the damage the day after the storm, says Georg Weinbuchner.

The visit did not reveal anything concrete.

Nobody from the local council showed up.

The Weinbuchners feel abandoned.

The town hall has known “for 20 years that the street is not properly drained.

But nothing happens. ”The 58-year-old remembers the sentence of a long-time Gaißach local politician.

He once said: "Solidarity in a village begins in the town hall."

Weinbuchner would like financial support from the community

After the equally violent flood on July 2, 2020, the couple took the initiative, invited the municipal councils to inspect the site and offered that the municipality “can build a deep sedimentation basin on our property with a large overflow in the direction of B11 / Niederhamer Straße ".

Georg Weinbuchner negotiated with the two neighbors, about the reason the process should lead.

“I had everything ready to say.

The church just had to approve it. ”But it didn't.

Now he wants to submit an application for financial aid, which is to be dealt with publicly in the local council.

Also read: Super cell meets Königsdorf - the municipal council dealt with the topic

Rainer Kopnicky understands “that the family's nerves are on edge and that they want a quick solution”. But that doesn't exist, says the town hall chief. According to the state of the art, the drainage on Osterhofener Strasse was geared towards a five-year flood. At that time, infiltration ditches could not be built so large to be able to absorb amounts of water that now fall from the sky within a short time. In addition, hailstones clog the gullies in no time at all. "Somebody should explain to me how we can get this under control quickly." However, Kopnicky is aware that "we urgently need to do something". This is precisely why the municipality commissioned a specialist company to create a concept for flood management at the beginning of the year. "But it takes time to finish that."

Financial support for a family? The mayor finds this problematic

The mayor considers the question of whether to support the Weinbuchners financially as "problematic". Firstly, it needs a resolution from the local council. In addition, it must be clarified whether the guilt actually lies with the community. Also unclear: "From which pot should we take the money?" Apart from that, all flood victims would have to be compensated, "for reasons of equality". When she asked whether compensation could be expected from the state flood fund, the administration received a rejection, says Kopnicky. “The districts of Traunstein, Rosenheim, Berchtesgaden-Land and even Miesbach can enjoy this, but not the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen. No one could explain to us why our neighbors are there, but not us. "

Also read: Two men are traveling behind the hail clouds in a motorhome - they want to help people

In his desperation, Georg Weinbuchner has meanwhile asked the CSU member of the state parliament and constituency member Martin Bachhuber for support.

"I have to do something, otherwise I'll go crazy."

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