The Limited Times

Ecker wants a "new culture of discussion at eye level"

8/16/2021, 11:08:36 AM

Karl Ecker has presented himself as a candidate for the Bundestag for the FW. In Osseltshausen, in front of 40 interested people. In doing so, he made some promises.

Karl Ecker has presented himself as a candidate for the Bundestag for the FW.

In Osseltshausen, in front of 40 interested people.

In doing so, he made some promises.

Au / Osseltshausen

Home game for Karl Ecker: In the Holledauer Wirtshaus zu Osseltshausen, the Bundestag candidate of the Free Voters completed one of his numerous campaign appearances on Thursday.

Around 40 interested people came.

The most popular man of the evening was District Administrator Helmut Petz.

It began with praise and praise for the hopefuls of the FW in constituency 214: The Auer FWG chairwoman Erika Wittstock-Spona described Ecker's Bundestag candidacy as the "icing on the cake" in his political career, and with a wink Ecker even prophesied the candidacy for chancellor. District Administrator Helmut Petz assured that he supported Ecker "wholeheartedly". Ecker Karl "has to become our man in Berlin", has in his eyes "really good chances that he will receive the direct mandate". And if the FW conquered three such direct mandates in Germany, the entry of around 30 FW members into the Bundestag would be guaranteed even if one should fail to meet the five percent hurdle. Ecker received a special compliment from member of the state parliament, Benno Zierer: Ecker's trademark is that he is “annoying like a G'wandlaus”.Should he come to Berlin, he would be “Holledau's figurehead” there.

Ecker then introduced himself for over an hour: He wanted to do “down-to-earth politics”. Because: "Mia san de from local politics." Above all, he himself, who detailed his career ("I also went to school. After all, I was not born as a mayor"), his functions and offices. And: “I am a non-partisan person.” And because it would never occur to him to move to Berlin entirely, he promised to be present in the constituency as a member of the Bundestag. He wants to introduce “a new and contemporary culture of discussion on an equal footing”. The topic that is most important to him is “people”.

After a walk through his election program, Ecker also allowed an insight into his campaign budget: Each candidate received 1,000 euros from the FW regional association, plus financial support from the district associations.

“The rest of it sticks with me.” Even if one is “a relatively small and poor party”, he doesn't want to go begging - “although I'm good at it”.

He preferred not to be indebted to anyone.

The audience had two questions - but both to District Administrator Petz: Why the polling station in Osseltshausen had been closed, after all, the at least 50 voters will definitely be given to the ballot box.

Petz said he would inquire, but the mayor of Au, Hans Sailer, said that was too risky for the local authority.

And the second question also went to Petz: He had an insight into what was happening in the vaccination center and in the hospital. So what did he think of the statements made by FW boss Hubert Aiwanger, who did not get himself vaccinated and also questioned the success of vaccinations. With this, Aiwanger "poured out the herb", the citizen of Osseltshausen confessed. Petz said they had started a vaccination campaign in the district because vaccination was "the only insurance against the fourth wave". But he took Aiwanger under protection: Prime Minister Markus Söder "was shown in front of the camera" and was unable to prepare for this question. And that is "a mess". Zierer said that this was due to the election campaign because Söder “wants to make the Free Voters bad”. It became clearer to Ecker: He is 100 percent behind the vaccination.If someone does not want to be vaccinated himself, that's okay, but then recommending it to others and questioning whether the vaccination makes sense is not an option. In this respect, Aiwanger's statement can be "thrown into the bin". The final word after more than two hours of home game in Osseltshausen.

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