The Limited Times

The Comedy Series You Must Know | Israel today

8/16/2021, 5:50:13 AM

"Hacks" which came up on yes and HOT is wonderfully written, made excellently and makes you want to swallow it on Bing • And no less important: it deals with the struggles that women have in the current era

At first glance, the connection between the two leading female characters in the "Hacks" series feels like a bad match, created in the matchmaking lab of "Wedding at First Sight" experts.

Deborah Vance (Gene Smart) is an old-fashioned mainstream comedian who closes 2,500 evenings with the same show on the Las Vegas stages and experiences a professional crisis;

Eva Daniels (Hannah Eibinder) is a Z-generation screenwriter whose unsuccessful joke on Twitter made her an industry assignment.

Now they have to move on together.

The first season of "Hacks" aired in the U.S. three months ago, and has since garnered countless compliments and fans, as well as 15 fresh nominations for Emmy. Yesterday, this great comedy reached HOT and yes as well. And most importantly - she takes the generation gaps between the two characters and builds on them a funny and exciting series, which emphasizes the way women of different generations now face difficulties arising from being women.

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