The Limited Times

"Ending poverty, that's a big goal"

8/18/2021, 11:07:11 AM

SPD Bundestag candidate Magdalena Wagner has “experienced” her constituency in the truest sense of the word. For ten days she was out and about with members of her election campaign team in the Erding and Ebersberg districts.

SPD Bundestag candidate Magdalena Wagner has “experienced” her constituency in the truest sense of the word.

For ten days she was out and about with members of her election campaign team in the Erding and Ebersberg districts.


- “I've learned an incredible amount,” summarizes the SPD politician, who lives in Egmating in the Ebersberg district. The route through the district of Erding led Wagner to Isen, Lengdorf, Dorfen, Taufkirchen, Fraunberg, Wartenberg, Eitting, Oberding, Moosinning, Erding, Bockhorn, Walpertskirchen, Wörth, Ottenhofen and Finsing. It is a very special experience to get to know the constituency by bike: "You see a lot more."

The young politician, who advocates sustainability, noticed that there is still “great potential” for solar energy on the roofs, although you can already see a lot of systems.

With regard to the development, the different structures caught the eye, with dense development near the city and loose groups of houses in more rural areas - for example, many single-family houses in the Wartenberg settlements.

During the dialogues with the citizens, she was met with "a lot of encouragement", says Wagner.

It was perceived positively “that I am running as a young person and want to get involved”.

Candidate Wagner: "The gap between rich and poor is widening"

Wagner was born in Munich in 1991 and grew up in the Ebersberg district. In view of the high rents and the shortage of living space, one topic was repeatedly taken up in the talks: "that the gap between rich and poor is widening and that all people have to be covered", especially since the region is "very expensive" - ​​a central concern for Wagner: " Ending poverty is a big goal. ”In this context, she named the basic pension and minimum wage as her party's achievements, which should be adjusted further.

Equitable educational opportunities for everyone is also an important issue for the math teacher and school psychologist at the grammar school.

During breakfast in Walpertskirchen, Wagner also addressed further training opportunities over the entire lifespan and low-threshold subsidies for training and studies.

This requires “a lot of clear contact points and advice centers”.

In the entire social area, tailor-made assistance “for people in need” is crucial, so that support arrives where it is needed.

The nursing profession must become more attractive.

"It starts with the payment."

Topics: from cohesion between generations and affordable housing to the upgraded ABS 38 route

In Walpertskirchen, Wagner also found out about current projects such as the municipal apartment building and the new kindergarten.

She also looked at the train stop.

In Wörth, she really liked the way the school is to be developed.

The visit to the substation in Finsing was an exciting excursion into the energy sector.

The SPD candidate for the Bundestag advocates the expansion of renewable energies and savings opportunities.

She is also campaigning for a restructuring of the transport sector with low prices and good connections in local public transport as well as alternative models such as car sharing and call taxis.

With good shopping opportunities like in Finsing, it is easier to do without a car from time to time.

Generational cohesion, affordable housing, the expansion of the ABS 38 railway line, regional marketing and nature conservation were other focal points that Wagner dealt with on her constituency tour.

She and her team were delighted with how warmly they were welcomed and cared for in the villages.

Vroni Vogel

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