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She was on a date and a stranger delivered a message with a warning: 'Run, take care'


The woman said that someone gave her a role. She showed the text on Twitter and revealed what happened at the end.

08/18/2021 3:47 PM

  • Clarí

  • Dresses

Updated 08/18/2021 3:47 PM

A woman said she received a

paper with an alert 

in a cafeteria in the United States.

The person, who had delivered the message,

warned her

 about the


with whom she was dating.

Twitter user 


revealed on the social network the episode she experienced in recent days.

"Yesterday I went for coffee with a young man. When he got up to go to the bathroom, the gay boy who was sitting behind

me gave me this note,

" he wrote on August 14.

@Hadia__S showed the text, handwritten.


Many danger signs. Run, take care woman,

" he said.

Apparently, the author of the warning

carefully observed

the attitude of the young man, the topics of his conversation, and was

concerned for the safety

of the woman.


"Many danger signs. Run, take care girl," read the text.

Photo: @Hadia__S.

"I recognized the warning signs,

but I was not in danger

, so I stayed (...). I am sure that my

guardian angel

was exhausted by the situation and wanted to tell me '

Go away

!'", He tweeted about the fact.

Hadia revealed that, at one point during the meeting, the young man told her that he was a fan of

Kevin Samuels:

according to the

Daily Mail


, he is a dating "guru" who in the past was



urging men

to perform "


, even



about women


"There will be no second way out"

The protagonist of this episode 


the stranger who

cared for her

. "There were some other danger signs that I won't mention, but don't worry,

I would have recognized them with or without the warning

. But the role was

very appreciated

by me and

added some laughs

to my night.

There will be no second way out.

" , warning. 

The publication of @Hadia__S accumulated went viral: it added more than




and users retweeted it at least


thousand times.

I wish someone had warned me about this before getting into my last relationship !!!!!


his advice, girl

!!!!! ", said a netizen on Twitter.


Went viral.

Photo: capture.

"I once had a blind date in a bar and the bartender was

super nice to me


somewhat rude

to my partner. I remember wondering if that was a sign. It turned out

that it was and he was right,

" said a tweeter.

Source: clarin

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