The Limited Times

Two workers in Western District, a tree-pruning gondolas accidentally crashed more than 7 meters, and a female worker fell into a coma

8/18/2021, 2:57:37 AM

At about 9 am today (18th), at the junction of Water Street and Third Street in the Western District, a man and a woman workers boarded a gondola and trimmed trees at a height of 10 meters above the ground. During the period, the gondolas accidentally dropped about 7 meters and stopped at a height of 3 meters above the ground.

At about 9 am today (18th), at the junction of Water Street and Third Street in the Western District, a man and a woman workers boarded a gondola and trimmed trees at a height of 10 meters above the ground.

During the accident, the gondola crashed about 7 meters and stopped at a height of 3 meters above the ground. The female worker in the gondola fell into a coma. She was rescued by an ambulance and sent to the hospital, while the male worker was sober. Police officers were present to investigate the case.


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