The Limited Times

The ranking of Alberto Fernández's ministers, according to Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

9/5/2021, 4:36:19 PM

The head of the Buenos Aires government highlighted Gabriel Katopodis, Juan Zabaleta and Wado De Pedro. Harsh criticism of Felipe Solá and Sabina Frederic, among others.

09/05/2021 1:24 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 09/05/2021 1:33 PM

The head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, caught on to a television game on

La Noche de Mirtha

and, with a soccer metaphor, chose which officials of Alberto Fernández's government would play as a starter on his team and

who would go to the substitute bank


In a relaxed atmosphere, Rodríguez Larreta was hesitant at first and only highlighted three officials from the current administration: the Minister of Public Works, Gabriel Katopodis;

the brand new Minister of Social Development, Juan Zabaleta;

and the Minister of the Interior, Wado de Pedro.

"I would put Katopodis (as headline). I would give the recent minister Zabaleta the benefit of the doubt. And

the one who cuts penalties there is the Interior Minister, Wado de Pedro

, even though ideologically I do not agree. At eleven I do not even arrive at sticks ", Larreta synthesized before the laughter of Juana Viale and the other guests.

"And who goes to the bank?", The host followed suit, to which Larreta replied: "

To the bank goes (the foreign minister) Solá, Argentine foreign policy is a catastrophe

. Carla Vizzotti goes to the bank because of how she comes with the vaccines".

Wado De Pedro, Sabina Frederic and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, during a joint operation at the AMBA last year.

Then he shot at the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Basterra: "I don't even know what it is called, but in a country where it prohibits the export of meat ... If you are not the one who decides, you have to resign if you do not agree."

Finally, he questioned the Minister of Education, Nicolás Trotta, about the closure of schools during the pandemic and was harsh against his Security counterpart, Sabina Frederic.

Juan Viale asked who he would sell to and Larreta did not hesitate:

"To Frederic, with the issue of security that is the number one concern of the people, without a doubt



When Mirtha Legrand's granddaughter asked him if he would summon Sergio Berni, current Buenos Aires Minister of Security, to deal with this problem, Larreta responded with an electoral tone: "

I would summon Santilli or Ritondo, who have done a good job


The campaign and its aspirations

The head of government was consulted about the aggressions in the campaign and remarked that the aggression is not an accepted modality within Together for Change.

“We are not all the same.

In the election there is tension, but we never attack anyone.


Milei insulted me, but I don't get hooked on that.

I did not answer him and I am not going to answer him

”, exemplified Rodríguez Larreta.

He also spoke about his aspirations for the presidency, but avoided putting a date on that wish.

"I am the head of the City Government, there are two and a half years to go before the (presidential) elections," he eluded.

Before being cross-examined, he said that in that period he had in mind

“a large number of projects”

and admitted that at some stage in his life “he said it, but now there are two and a half years to go, the midterm elections have not even passed, we play a lot now".


Look also

The Chicana from Victoria Tolosa Paz to Diego Santilli: "I would ask him which side of the Riachuelo is he on?"

Santiago Cafiero pointed strongly against Mauricio Macri: "He was the worst president that Argentina had since the return of democracy"

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