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The endless marathon of Rodríguez Larreta


The head of the Buenos Aires government plays his chance in the PASO. If Diego Santilli beats Facundo Manes, the PJ, the UCR, Patricia Bullrich and Mauricio Macri remain.

09/06/2021 23:27

  • Clarí

  • Opinion

Updated 09/06/2021 23:27

The phrase is said by a radical leader who does not love him, but who respects him.

"A guy who waxes his entire body so that the hairs on his arms are not seen in the photos, he

is willing to do anything

to be president."

It refers to Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, the head of the Buenos Aires government who

risks a lot in the primary elections

next Sunday.

There are photos from the 1990s that show Rodríguez Larreta

before he became bald.

One with his father, who baptized him with his same name, and his brothers where he shows that he had hair. And another on a beach in Punta del Este where

her hair covered most of her body.

A phenomenon that medicine calls hypertrichosis, or more cinematically,

"Werewolf syndrome."

Whether or not that radical leader who says he waxes exaggerates or not, the truth is that Rodríguez Larreta has built in these times

a look of modern peeling

with black sweaters a la Steve Jobs.

With that personal style, he is going to undertake this Sunday

the challenge of becoming a candidate for the Casa Rosada.

It is not a simple process and it is only

the first obstacle

in a never-ending career that could last another two years. Rodríguez Larreta believes that the essential step for any opposition presidential candidate is to

beat Peronism in the province

of Buenos Aires. With that objective, he placed Diego Santilli as the first candidate for deputy in the Province. He is not only his deputy head of government in the City. It is the leader, of those who can compete electorally, who has the greatest confidence.

If Santilli wins the internship of Juntos por el Cambio from neurologist Facundo Manes, Rodríguez Larreta will be able to continue with his presidential project. But if Manes defeats his candidate,

the project will be mortally wounded.

This is how forceful and how unfair politics is sometimes.

Polls anticipate a victory for Santilli

in the opposition primary, but no one risks predictions. It is already known what happened with the polls two years ago, when they

predicted a good choice for Mauricio Macri

against Alberto Fernández. They screwed up ugly and fell into the pit of discredit.

Manes points to that unknown when he punishes Rodríguez Larreta in public. At the beginning of the campaign, he claimed that his rival Santilli was financed with funds from the Buenos Aires state. Now he says that the head of government

leaves the City headless

to dedicate himself only to the campaign. It tries to stigmatize the man in black as the powerful ruler who

represents the status quo of politics.

Only on Sunday will it be known if the attacks have any effect.

Scientist of the crowds until the pandemic broke the talks in the closed theaters, Manes is not exactly an unknown man who comes to challenge power. His foundation, Ineco, has grown

with the sponsored encouragement of the Red Circle

and the governors of the UCR also contribute to its campaign budget. At the forefront of these supporters is Gerardo Morales, the impetuous Jujuy who

waits for the slightest misstep from Rodríguez Larreta

to undertake his own presidential project. The radicals need a good performance of Manes in the Province to return to electoral prominence in the distant 2023.

Of course, the Rodríguez Larreta marathon has much more to come. In addition to a victory for Santilli over Manes, he needs María Eugenia Vidal to make

a decent election in Buenos Aires.

The former governor experienced a traumatic return from the Province to the City, but she seems to be

recovering that vigor that made her defeat Peronism

six years ago. His speech is harsher, his criticisms of the government more pointed, and he defends that administration with more vehemence.

Rodríguez Larreta and Vidal will not have it easy either inside the coalition or outside. Ricardo López Murphy is a

candidate in a state of grace

who disputes the votes of the hardened electorate, and Adolfo Rubinstein embodies, with the stainless accompaniment of Luis “Beto” Brandoni,

the values ​​of the traditional radicalism

that knew how to govern the City for several years. As if that were not enough, they must approach the very good election of 2019.

It is possible that the appearance of López Murphy will help Rodríguez Larreta to add votes that otherwise would have eluded him, but the coalition he is building will also have to face the competition that

economist Javier Milei is presenting him

from a more reactionary right

. A candidate who has been growing in the polls

with an anti-system story,

but who survives with a contract from a large business group and who has already tasted

the honeys of working in the State

with the repressor Antonio Bussi.

If Rodríguez Larreta manages to pass the STEP exam, the race

will have barely started for him. L

or expects a tough test against Peronism in legislative elections on 14 November. And then there will come, in addition to having to continue managing the City in a pandemic, the inevitable challenges of

a UCR strengthened

by the triumphs in the provinces it governs.

And there the obstacles and difficulties do not end. Rodríguez Larreta knows perfectly well that

Patricia Bullrich

resigned from being a candidate on this occasion, but that she

also has a presidential project

among her plans. How do you know that Mauricio Macri's book is called

"Second Time"

because the former president does not rule out

a rematch

after his failed reelection attempt.

Rodríguez Larreta likes to say that to get to the presidency of Argentina you have to run a real marathon.

And that it is necessary to

go all the way to the end.

It is the only way that what does not happen to Filípides, that Greek soldier who ran forty-two kilometers to the city of Marathon to announce the result of a battle against the Persians.

But he

arrived at his destination exhausted

and died without being able to enjoy victory.

Look also

Together for Change: they negotiate to "solve" an internal rule that could harm Ricardo López Murphy

The intern in Córdoba divides Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich, and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta seeks to balance

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2021-09-07

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