The Limited Times

Shichang Mini Storage Fire Cause

9/13/2021, 11:21:28 AM

A level 4 fire broke out in the Shichang mini-storage in Ngau Tau Kok Amoy Industrial Village. Two firefighters were unfortunately killed during the fire fighting. Their death inquiries entered the ninth day today (10th). Will enter

A level 4 fire broke out in the Shichang mini-storage in Ngau Tau Kok Amoy Industrial Village. Two firefighters were unfortunately killed during the fire fighting. Their death inquiries entered the ninth day today (10th). There will be a fire drill, but Shichang, as the main tenant of the building, has not participated in the drill in 6 years.

In addition, the building involved had just completed its annual inspection one month before the incident, and all fire-fighting facilities met the requirements.

The Shichang mini warehouse in Amoy Industrial Village, Kowloon Bay, was hit by a level 4 fire on June 21, 2016. It burned for 5 days and 4 nights. It was only put out by the fire on June 25. Senior fire chief Zhang Yaosheng (30 years old) and the firefighter Team leader Xu Zhijie (37 years old) died during the fire fighting on June 21 and 23, respectively. The Coroner's Court is inquiring about their deaths.

The normal procedure is to notify the security guard and call the police

At that time, Yuan Zhiqiang, a security guard at Amoy Industrial Building, continued to confess that he had received fire training when he entered the job. He mentioned that if a fire is encountered, he should first try to fight the fire. If he fails to extinguish the fire, he must immediately call the police and sound the alarm.

On the day of the incident, Yuan only saw smoke but no fire, so he did not report to the police immediately.

Yuan also pointed out that according to normal procedures, the person concerned should first notify the security, and then the security should call the police.

But when Yuan asked Shichang staff if they wanted to help, the other party responded: "Well, I will take care of it myself."

Henglong Security Director Chen Mangen stated that the building that caused the accident had undergone a security check one month before the incident, and all the fire-fighting facilities were qualified. In his impression, Shichang had never attended the defense drill.

(Photo by Liu Anqi)

The security guard saw the fog and smoke alarm in the whole courtyard

Chen Mangen, the then security director of Hang Lung, confessed that his work mainly included customer service, property management and security.

At about 10:55 on the day of the incident, he received a notification from a colleague at the Amoy Plaza Control Center that a fire had occurred in the industrial village.

After hearing this, Chen immediately ran to the industrial village and called the security guard Yuan Zhiqiang to find out the situation. He asked Yuan if he had called the police. Yuan answered that he didn't and said, "Shichang was very easy to talk about."

Chen arrived at the basement of the industrial village about 3 minutes later and found smoke on the third floor from the patio, so he immediately called the police and called Amoy's property manager.

Firefighters arrived at the scene a few minutes later. Chen led them upstairs for inspection and exploded the fire alarm glass to sound the alarm.

In my impression, Shichang has never participated in a fire drill

Chen Xu pointed out that Hang Lung conducts a fire drill every year and will notify the tenant one month in advance. The tenant can decide whether to participate or not. In his impression, Shichang has never participated in a fire drill in 6 years.

When asked why he chose to call the police at that time, Chen said that because he saw the smoke, he said, "I don't care about the fires. Anyway, if the smoke comes out of Li, I will call the police."

Li Wenzhong, manager of Yihua Fire Engineering, pointed out that Yihua Professional Engineering Co., Ltd. was established in 1973 as a registered fire equipment contractor, and he was one of the founders.

Yihua has been conducting annual inspections for Amoy Industrial Village from 2005 to 2016.

If the building passes the annual inspection, Yihua will issue a fire protection installation and equipment certificate to the fire department and Hang Lung.

All fire-fighting equipment were qualified one month before the incident

Li Xuxu pointed out that the building plans stipulate the number and location of firefighting equipment that must be equipped on each floor of Amoy Industrial Village, including 4 fire hose reels, 4 fire alarm activation switches and alarm bells, and 3 foam fire extinguishers.

One month before the fire, that is, on May 21, 2016, Amoy Industrial Village had just obtained a fire protection installation and equipment certificate issued by Yihua to show that all fire protection equipment was qualified.

The inquiry will continue, and firefighters will be summoned to testify in court.

Case No.: CCDI-333/2016(SH), CCDI-334/2016(SH)

Two firefighters died in the mini-storage fire. The main witness gave a statement.

(See the picture below for details)


Cause of death of Shichang mini-storage|The security guard saw the darkness in the warehouse and asked if he wanted to help the staff and said: “Well, it’s the cause of death of Shichang’s mini-storage fire. The electrician said he had tried to put out the fire, but the smoke was too large to get close to the source of the fire. The manager said that the subordinates reported that the tone was flat and mistaken that the fire was not high. The warehouse manager said that the boss used a fire extinguisher to fight the fire. Don’t dare to die in the Shichang mini-cabin fire. Virtual reality simulation of firefighters’ survival route is messy and dim and narrow.


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