The Limited Times

Survey after the 2021 federal election: majority of Union supporters calls for Laschet's resignation

9/30/2021, 10:51:08 AM

According to a recent survey, Armin Laschet has lost the support of his own supporters. A majority wants his resignation.

According to a recent survey, Armin Laschet has lost the support of his own supporters.

A majority wants his resignation.

Berlin - Armin Laschet * lost the federal election in 2021 *.

The CDU * party leader led his party below the 30 percent mark for the first time in the history of the Federal Republic.

At the same time Laschet lost the top position in the German party spectrum to the SPD.

So to a party that less than a year ago was sometimes smiled at by the media for even sending Olaf Scholz * as a candidate for chancellor into the race.

When Armin Laschet was able to win the tough competition for the candidate for chancellor within the party family against CSU * boss Markus Söder, the union was just under 30 percent in surveys.

The approval ratings then went downhill at first, but then the green candidate for Chancellor Annalena Baerbock * made several mistakes in the election campaign and Laschet could hope for a clear election victory again.

At the end of July, the Union even scratched the 30 percent mark again.

After the 2021 federal election: The majority of CDU and CSU supporters want Armin Laschet to resign

Many people in the Union also blame Armin Laschet for the fact that it was not even 25 percent.

This is shown by reliable figures from the opinion research institute Civey for the Funke media group.

When asked "Should Armin Laschet, in their opinion, step down as party chairman of the CDU due to the result of the Bundestag election of the Union", 51 percent answered either "in any case" or "more or less yes".

Cross-party rejection of Laschet is even clearer, with 70 percent of all respondents in favor of his resignation.


Armin Laschet in the election campaign.

© Wassilis Aswestopoulos / Imago Images

Armin Laschet himself does not want to know anything about a resignation so far.

On the contrary.

The loser in the election still hopes to move into the Chancellery and thus succeed Angela Merkel * in the office of Federal Chancellor *.

Since the earliest reactions following the announcement of the first projections for the federal election in 2021, the language that is supposed to make Laschet Chancellor has been “coalition of the future”.

Armin Laschet still hopes for the chancellorship after the federal election in 2021 despite a clear defeat

Laschet and those who are still hoping for a CDU leadership in the next government mean their only realistic option: the Jamaica alliance made up of the CDU, Alliance 90 / The Greens * and FDP *.

The fact that the FDP is also interested in such a bourgeois coalition is indicated by the fact that party leader Christian Lindner * has also already spoken of a "future coalition".

So far, the Greens have reacted less euphorically to these plans.

Even before the election, Baerbock emphasized that she saw most of the similarities with the SPD * and would prefer to see the Union in the opposition.

Should the Greens decide to prevent election winner Olaf Scholz from being Chancellor by helping Armin Laschet into the Chancellery, the party base could revolt.


How long can Armin Laschet hold on as CDU boss?

© Frank Ossenbrink / Imago Images

However, there is another way for the Union to continue to govern.

In a so-called grand coalition.

However, since the CDU and CSU together have fewer seats in the Bundestag than the SPD, the Social Democrats would be entitled to the chancellorship in this case.

Armin Laschet would be denied the chancellorship.

The Rhinelander has not yet commented on whether he would hold on to the office of party chairman of the CDU in this case.

(Mirko Schmid) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA


List of rubric lists: © Wassilis Aswestopoulos / Imago Images

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