The Limited Times

The new docu on Britney Spears: The Most Comprehensive and Fascinating of All Israel today

10/6/2021, 4:11:22 PM

Unlike other films about the star, "Control Britney Spears" makes good use of the New York Times' journalistic abilities and provides shocking recordings and testimonies.

Did you know?

Once upon a time Britney Spears could have made $ 50 million a year, and not get approval to order two consecutive sushi because "it's too expensive."

Like Sushi in the nineties, films about the legal battle for its release are popping up, but "Control Britney Spears" (yes docu, yes VOD and STINGTV) is the most comprehensive and fascinating of them all.

In the week we were informed that Brittany was finally released from her father's paws, this film shows us how it happened, albeit too late.

Unlike "Indicting Britney Spears," the current document takes full advantage of the New York Times' journalistic capabilities, with shaky recordings from the star's bedroom and other significant elements, detailing how her father and a friend broke her spirit.

Although the court ruled in 2008 that Spears could not be held responsible for her children and her career, the docu proves that throughout the period Spears behaved in a mature, clear and eloquent manner.

Still, she was controlled in every aspect of her life: who would she meet, what dessert would they order at the end of the date and whether he was allowed to become her partner.

But it's not just a story about Spears' rights, but about hatred of women in a male industry that allows it, and the gap between what appears to be a dream life and a nightmare from the worlds of slavery.

Everyone has always had an opinion about Brittany, but after watching a docu you can only go crazy over how sane she is.

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