The Limited Times

The European Union renews its call on the Israeli occupation entity to stop its settlement plans

10/29/2021, 8:26:27 PM

Brussels, SANA- The European Union renewed today its demand for the Israeli occupation entity to stop its plans to build settlements


Today, the European Union renewed its demand for the Israeli occupation entity to stop its plans to build new settlements in the West Bank.

And the media quoted the European Union’s main spokesman for foreign affairs, Peter Stano, as saying in a statement that “the settlements are illegal under international law,” stressing that they constitute a major obstacle to achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.

The statement stressed that the European Union "will not recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders, including in Jerusalem."

Yesterday, 12 European countries called on the Israeli occupation entity to stop its settlement plans in the occupied Palestinian territories and to retract a new plan to build about three thousand settlement units in the occupied West Bank.

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