The Limited Times

Fighters for Peace Movement calls on President Biden to impose sanctions on Defense Minister Ganz Israel today

10/31/2021, 5:44:57 PM

Due to Gantz's declaration of the six Palestinian organizations as terrorist organizations, the movement asked Baidan to use a law authorizing the administration to impose sanctions on anyone it considers a human rights violator. • Fighters for Peace claim:

The Fighters for Peace movement, which is responsible for the Israeli-Palestinian Remembrance Day ceremony, yesterday (Saturday) asked US President Joe Biden to impose personal sanctions on Defense Minister Bnei Gantz, due to his declaration of six Palestinian organizations as terrorist organizations.

"We turned to President Biden and asked him to act in accordance with American law and impose personal sanctions on the Bnei Gantz General Staff, for political persecution of six Palestinian human rights organizations.

"We also asked him to instruct all the relevant elements in the administration to ignore the orders that Ganz issued against the six organizations," the movement's Facebook account said.

President Biden, Photo: AP

The U.S. law that the movement refers to is "Magnetsky's Law," and according to "Warriors for Peace," the law authorizes the U.S. government to impose personal sanctions on anyone it considers a human rights violator. "

The law makes it possible to mark senior figures who are responsible for serious human rights violations, and charge them an economic price by freezing assets and preventing them from entering the United States, "it said.

"Ganz decided to indict the six organizations without presenting any basis or proof, without a transparent procedure, and it seems that based on 'studies' of the right-wing NGO Monitor organization," the movement claimed.

"We will also mention that Gantz has a personal interest in the matter - some of the organizations have raised personal accusations in the International Court of Justice in The Hague against him for committing war crimes during the attack on Gaza in 2014."

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