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Opinion | Glasgow Climate Conference: Opportunity to Buy Our World | Israel today

10/31/2021, 9:56:56 PM

The international community has breached commitments already agreed at the Paris Conference in 2015 • So what can be gained from the talks in Scotland anyway? A decision that will put public pressure on corporations • And Israel, which has long been remembered for aligning itself with most countries in the world, must address the environmental issues that require urgent response

Great and justified concerns accompany the opening of the climate conference in Scotland.

Will world leaders be able to formulate a broad and real consensus on a dramatic reduction in emissions, and one more that will positively impact the expected severe climate trends?

Probably not, but it is unnecessary to let out a sigh of despair, precisely in light of the failure of previous attempts to face the climate challenge, and further raising of hands means a pre-determined disaster. 

The prevailing convention is that climate challenges do not recognize boundaries, so we, as concerned and curious Israelis and as citizens of the entire world, should treat the issue in the same way.

The intention is that we recognize the role of global corporations in global pollution in the face of the lack of regulation and / or taxation on the part of the states, and not only in the ability to influence the heads of state themselves.

Prime Minister Bennett takes off for climate conference

From this point of view, the present conference provides a good opportunity to examine the relationship of power between states, and the capacity for cooperation should be examined from this very "real-politics".

Here is the place to mention, for example, the absence of the presidents of China (the great polluter) and Russia, the lack of immediate interest of politicians to make a decision "on the spot" and of course the breach of commitments already agreed (!) In Paris in 2015 related to ... well ... money .

For example, the fact that developed countries have not transferred to developing countries the money needed to prepare for the challenge.

Paris Climate Conference, 2015, Photo: GettyImages

So what can be achieved anyway?

A decision that will require oversight mechanisms and pressure on leaders over the next few years until the 2030 limit alongside public pressure on corporations.

Such a decision may affect not only the mood, but also the future of the next decade.

Although Israel remembered, very late, to align itself with the leading countries, it is not too late: it is precisely time to wake up.

For our own benefit, holding the conference should serve as an Israeli milestone in addressing environmental issues that require urgent response.

Precisely for this purpose, it is very important to set measurable goals in the immediate term: declaring a climate emergency, reaching a leading position using renewable energy, and a comprehensive change in public transportation are a good start today - for our children's tomorrow.

With or without the success of the World Conference. 

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